Introduction: Docker is a qualified Java development engineer must master the knowledge, fox will write down their own understanding, this article only represents my summary and understanding, if there are mistakes, welcome to correct…

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Docker pull redis: 5.0.7

To do this, you need to create a docker folder to store the docker container’s data files

For example, you could create a docker_data folder under /home/docker_data

CD /home/docker_data CD /home/docker_data mkdir redis && CD redis mkdir conf && CD conf Create a directory for the redis configuration file. For convenience, put the redis.conf configuration file directly in hereCopy the code

Then start creating the redis container

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 –name redis –restart=always -v /home/docker_data/redis/conf:/usr/local/etc/redis -v / home/docker_data/redis/data: / data – ring = true 3-d redis: 5.0.7 redis server/usr/local/etc/redis/redis. Conf

Conclusion: Ever is to learn to read people’s blog technology, some of them have essence blog also have to play around the CV of solution, so the decided to study the knowledge sharing for everyone, mainly want to go to the sea after less detours, more positive energy blog, if there are any errors, welcome to point out mistakes, only hope that we can learn knowledge in my blog, Solve the problem, then it is enough. Thank you! (Please note the original source for reprint)