1. The installation of MySQL

Many of them are recommended to install on the MySQL website. When I first tried it, I downloaded a zip file from the MySQL website. When I opened it, I couldn’t find it at all

Address: dev.mysql.com/downloads/w…

Once installed, you’ll see one of these files

First of all you have before installing

You can’t install it without it, you can download it here


Install MySQL

Because I have installed version 8 here, so the display is gray, it must be clickable without installation

I’m assuming version 5.7 is installed here

Click where I marked to configure the directory

After that, it is basically simple, all the way to next(there is a point to register the user name and password, this is to configure yourself).

Just remember that MySQL’s default port number is 3306

Usually we don’t make modifications

Finally, configure the environment variables

The installation is ready to enter at the terminal

mysql --version
Copy the code

If the version is displayed, the installation is successful

2. Connect and disconnect MySQL

1. Connect to the MySQL server

-h Indicates the host address

-p port number

-u username

-p Indicates the user password

I only have a computer here, I will connect to the local IP address, the future development is definitely connected to the server of MySQL

Mysql - h127.0.0.1 - P3306 -uCopy the code

Pay attention to the point

If the MySQL server is local, the host address can be omitted

If the server uses the default port 3306, the port number can be omitted

My username and password are both root.

mysql -uroot -proot
Copy the code

But generally speaking input password should not let it display, so use the way of dark text to type *

mysql -uroot -p
Copy the code

However, this is not the final solution, because AS I said, MySQL is usually on the server, so we test on the local, so the host address is not omitted, the port number is generally the default

So the ultimate order is

Mysql - h127.0.0.1 - uroot - pCopy the code

But when I started using it, THERE was a bug, which caused me to search a lot of baidu for a long time

Finally, I did my own research and found the bug

Don’t commands usually strike at the terminal

If you’re tapping on the global terminal

Mysql - h127.0.0.1 - uroot - pCopy the code

This ultimate order will not work

It will give you the wrong, say what the host 127 address no yapping, carefully actually look here

You’ll see the downside

Why is 127 black and 0.0.1 white behind it

And then I try to separate it

Mysql -h -uroot -pCopy the code

In this way, the MySQL service will connect successfully

But I can run it by typing the terminal command in the editor

Mysql - h127.0.0.1 - uroot - pCopy the code

And why? I don’t know for sure

Anyway, I stepped on this hole, so no one will step on it

2. Disconnect the device




Of course, the simplest and most useful ah, so I choose \ Q

3. The database is displayed

show databases;
Copy the code


Holds information about all other databases maintained by the MySQL server. Such as database name, database table, table column data type and access permission


MySQL system database, which stores the login user name, password, and permissions of each user, etc

Performance_schema (may be able to do this)

The parameters used to hold database server performance


The library combines information_schema with Performance_schema in the form of views to query for more understandable data

4. To summarize

Connecting to a Database

Mysql -h127.0.0.1 -u User name -pCopy the code


Copy the code

Display database

show databases;
Copy the code