Download the JDK… Select the version you want to download. Remember to select the JDK version, not the JRE, otherwise the path will not be installed there when you set JAVA_HOME

Because of Android development, I chose to download JDK8. evernotecid://11C9A2F2-0F47-45EA-AD4B-A100BBE1C07A/appyinxiangcom/2742929/ENResource/p6094

Install the JDK

Double-click the downloaded.dmg file and install it as prompted.


Once installed, the JDK installation path is in: / Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines / {} JDK version/Contents/Home.

By the way the JRE installation path is: / Library/Internet plug-ins/JavaAppletPlugin plugin/Contents/Home /

Set the ~ /. Following

  1. If the./bash_profile file exists, execute$open -e ~/.bash_profileThen fill in the following code. If no, run the command first$touch ~/.bash_profileFill in the following code again.
JAVA_HOME = / Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines jdk1.8.0 _281. JDK/Contents/Home PATH =$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:.
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Copy the code
  1. perform$source ~/.bash_profileTo take effect

How to set the MAC to ZSH. Bash_profile

The above.bash_profile may not work after reboot because ZSH is used instead of bash under MAC (MAC version 10.15.7) and ZSH loads ~/.zshrc files, and the ‘.zshrc ‘file does not define task environment variables.


At the end of the ~/.zshrc file, add the line source ~/.bash_profile