Like iOS on the iPhone or any other mobile operating system, Android developers really need an emulator to test their apps before they actually test them on the device. This is achieved through the SDK (Software Development Kit). Unlike the iPhone’S iOS SDK and Microsoft SDK, the Android SDK supports both PC and Mac operating systems.

Here’s how to install and use it for my environment, Mac OS X 10.6.8:

1. First download the SDK suitable for your system, Win or Mac, SDK download.

2. After downloading and unpacking, we can see the following files in the SDK directory.


3. Next open the Android application from the Tools folder, which is the SDK manager used to open the app or script.

4. Then you can see the Android SDK and AVD Manager window pop up. Follow the instructions below to download some of the components we need from the repository.



5. After downloading and installing these resources, click the “Virtual Devices” menu on the left, and then click New from the window on the right. In the new pop-up window, we need to configure our virtual appliance or environment here.


Here I have selected the Android 2.2 environment and the following is the result.


Once created, we can Start the emulator using the Start button on the right. On startup, the following screen will appear to select the zoom scale (if the default is the case, the laptop screen may not be full). I’ve set it to 10, so it looks good.



At this point, we have created the emulator. This is just the most basic installation, missing a lot of components. More complicated operations will be left for later.





1, Froyo SDK Emulator for PC and Mac OS X