Introduction of the RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is open source message broker software (also known as message-oriented middleware) that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). RabbitMQ servers are written in Erlang, while clustering and failover are built on top of the open telecom platform framework. All major programming languages have client libraries that communicate with proxy interfaces.

The installation of the RabbitMQ

1. Erlang installation

Since RabbitMQ is written in Erlang, Erlang is required to install RabbitMQ. Download address:, choose according to need to choose version of Windows 64 – bit version, installed directly after the download is complete, has been NEXT. (Choose your own path) (download speed from the official website will be slow)

2. RabbitMQ installer

Download…Select the Bintray version as required (note: there may be a mismatch between the RabbitMQ and Erlang versions), install the Bintray version, and proceed to NEXT. (Path to choose)

3. Customize environment variables

  • Erl environment variable configuration

ERLANG_HOME = C: \ Program Files \ erl - 24.0Copy the code

Add to Path

Copy the code
  • RabbitMQ environment variable configuration

RABBITMQ_SERVER = C: \ Program Files \ the RabbitMQ Server \ RABBITMQ_SERVER - 3.8.16Copy the code

Add to Path

Copy the code

4. Enable RabbitMQ_management

Enter C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.8.16\ebin in CMD

Rabbitmq-plugins. bat enable rabbitmq_managementCopy the code

5. Start the RabbitMQ service

You need to start CMD as an administrator

Net start RabbitMQ net stop RabbitMQ stop RabbitMQCopy the code
Check whether the RabbitMQ service is started

Press win+R, type services. MSC, and press Enter to open the service on your computer

The RabbitMQ test

  • Test address http://localhost:15672/
  • The default user name is guest
  • The default password is guest