Recently, I have been brushing LeetCode title on VSCode, but I feel that the interface is a little dull after writing for a long time, so I decided to find a cool theme to stand out.

I found an exciting VSCode theme on GitHub, which was featured by GitHubDaily, and the comments on weibo said it was too sexy.

This theme is how a SAO bao theme, please see!

Inspired by retro (80’s) art (such as FM-84, Timecop 1983 and The Midnight), this color scheme is implemented via CSS, in both illuminated and non-illuminated versions.

If you like it, you can follow these steps to install it.

Install SynthWave ’84

1. Search for “SynthWave ’84” in the VSCode extension store and click install

2. Go to “Code” –> “Preferences” –> “Color Theme” –> “SynthWave ’84”

Install the configuration

Search for “Custom CSS and JS Loader” in the VSCode extension store. This plug-in is used to load Custom CSS or JS files and click install

At GitHub (…) Download synthWave84. CSS or SynthWave84-Noglow. CSS file.

Open Code > Preferences > Settings > Settings. json

// Change the file path to synthWave84.css {"vscode_custom_css.imports": [
    "file:///Users/{your username}/synthwave84.css"]}Copy the code

Open the command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Shift + ⌘ + P), locate “Enable Custom CSS and JS”, Enable the Custom CSS and JS Loader plug-in, restart VSCode to complete the installation.

This completes the neon theme installation, interested partners can follow the steps to install to experience.


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