Hello, everyone. I’m a sea monster. Someone recently asked me how to learn React. I feel quite touched by the topic of “input and output of knowledge”, so TODAY I want to share with you about the input and output of knowledge.

The input

What we often refer to as “learning” is mostly the input of knowledge, such as reading documents, video tutorials and articles. Here are my priorities for knowledge input:

“Ask a master” can be an overlooked way to gain knowledge. For example, when the front end wants to know the backend database and Redis content, it will be faster to ask the backend colleagues directly than to read books and tutorials on the market.

Because they’ve been through big and small practices. The lessons learned by practice are worth the dogma of many books. And your cost is also the lowest, please drink a cup of milk tea, please eat a meal.

Then documents, videos, articles. Documentation should be the first thing to look at because it must be the most correct. Personally, I think video can mobilize multiple senses and make people more involved in it. Therefore, I will give priority to watching video tutorials in articles and videos.

The last is reading, I think this is also a mistake of many people: think that reading is really learning. When I first began to learn front-end, I also searched many books about front-end in Zhihu:

The Rhino Book, The Little Red Book, the Butterfly Book, and the Art of DOM Programming are all recommended. But “read” does not represent “learn”, “read” so many books, the only thing I still have some impression is “little Red Book” about JS prototype chain and JS inheritance, other forget all.

In fact, so many ways of input knowledge, they are all carriers of knowledge in essence, there is no superior or inferior, but we should pay more attention to: in different stages, which knowledge carrier is more suitable for knowledge acquisition.

And the book as a knowledge concentration and depth of the highest carrier of knowledge, if there is not enough basic knowledge and practical accumulation, directly read only two possibilities:

  • I can’t see it at all, even if I try to see it, it’s easy to forget it because I don’t have much practice
  • Look down, but found that the inside of the things said is equal to white said, are nonsense, just like the beginning of the front to see the little Red Book still can not write a mall

So when should you read these books? It’s a good time to look when you can’t solve your problem using all the knowledge carriers.

If you find yourself stuck in a wall where video tutorials and articles are too shallow and you almost know what you’re talking about, then you need the book to give you bigger structure, inspiration and inspiration to break through it. **


Speaking of notes, I can always think of some girls’ notes from high school, like this one with very standard H1, H2, H3 headings, and important and minor things written in different colors:

I don’t think of these as notes anymore, but rather as “articles” and “blogs” for us programmers. For me, notes are more like memory anchors, whose primary function is to retrieve memories.

Of course, the recovered memory here is not like watching a replay, but the feeling of “saying something XX, but forgetting the details of it”.

So when you take notes, don’t take the whole picture, just take the main points. For example, my notes for learning Next. Js are very simple:

And because you only need to take notes, you don’t need fancy typography or special software to take notes, even if you only need a pen and paper.

Note taking has another great feature: only you can understand your notes, no one else can understand them. Each person has a different knowledge base and experience, which leads to different memory anchors.

For example, when reading my article, some people have already had their own learning theory, and after reading my article, they only remember the title. And for the freshmen, they do not have their own learning theory, so write down the content of nature is also more detailed and details.

I believe many people have also heard:

Don’t send out study notes, hydrology!

It is also because of the “notes only their own can understand” this characteristic, others see only some keywords, so “read notes to learn knowledge” is a false proposition. Really can let others read to learn things, is the article.


There are so many benefits to writing an essay, such as organizing your notes, and then digging deeper into certain details and mastering your knowledge. For example, you can exercise your expression ability, writing ability and so on.

For me, besides sharing knowledge with others, one of the great advantages of writing an article is that it relieves anxiety about forgetting.

I don’t know if you have the same experience as me: when you first learn something, you always have the anxiety that you will forget it one day. What I did was immediately organize my notes into articles and publish them on all platforms.

That way, I have more room in my brain to remember other things. This is how I write my own articles, moving from notes to articles, adding more detail:

Notes (Outline) -> Enrich details -> Add styles/pictures/code -> Check for typosCopy the code

As long as the article is after their own thinking and summary, then I think it is a good article, in short, slowly accumulate, write is to earn.


We often pay attention to the “learning” is actually just the input part, and the key to learning is how to “closed loop”, that is, output articles. We may not start by writing articles that will be read by millions, but this accumulation will be our own wealth.