
  1. How does InnoDb lock when we make updates?
  2. Where was the lock added?


The database is in RR(repeatable read) isolation level.

CREATE TABLE `student` (
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL.`age` int(11) NOT NULL.`addresss` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ',

INSERT student VALUES (1.'1'.1.'ssss'), (2.'copies'.2.'ssss'), (3.'Joe'.3.'ssss'), (4.'four zhang'.4.'ssss'), (5.'fives'.5.'ssss'), (10.'tens'.10.'ssss'), (20.'Zhang Twenty'.20.'ssss');
Copy the code

The clustering index of the data is similar to:

1 2 3 4 5 10 20
1 A second Zhang SAN Zhang four fives tens Zhang twenty
1 2 3 4 5 10 20
ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss ssss

Case 1: Primary key equivalent value query

Lock in share mode for update # transaction A begin; select * from student where id = 10 lock in share mode; S the lock.Copy the code

We know that at this point, if another transaction wants to modify the information with id = 10, it’s blocked.

Update student set age = 200 where id = 10Copy the code

So it looks like it’s going well here, so let’s change it a little bit, let’s change the ID to 9, which we know doesn’t exist.

# transaction A commit; Commit the transaction anyway. begin; Select * from student where id = 9 lock in share mode; S the lock.Copy the code

Then we update the data with id = 10 in transaction B as well.

Update student set age = 200 where id = 10Copy the code

Seeing that the update was not blocked, we replaced it with an INSERT statement.

Insert into student VALUES (8,' 80 ',12,' 80 ');Copy the code

Lock rule: 1. The lock unit is next-key. 2. If equivalent query data exists, it evolves into record lock, and if not, it degenerates into gap lock

In the example above, the query with id 10 locks only the data with id = 10. Insert data (8,’ tab8 ‘,12,’ SSSS ‘) is blocked by a gap lock between 5 and 10.

Case 2: No index equivalent query

# transaction A commit; Commit the transaction anyway. begin; Select * from student where name =' 10 'lock in share mode; S the lock.Copy the code
Insert into student VALUES (8,' 80 ',12,' 80 ');Copy the code
Update student set age = 10 where id = 10 update student set age = 10 where id = 10Copy the code

A more serious situation is that table locking can evolve if indexes are not needed. You don’t need to lock the select file.

# transaction A commit; Commit the transaction anyway. begin; Update student set age = 100 where name =' 9';Copy the code

Since the sheet 9 does not exist and the query condition does not use the index, the entire table will be locked.

Update student set age = 10 where id = 1Copy the code

If no index is used for the query, the next-key lock remains unchanged. That is record lock and gap lock combination. Ensuring that the modify statement is available to the index and prevents the entire table from being locked can reduce the occurrence of deadlocks.

Case three: Primary key range search

# transaction A commit; begin; select * from student where id <15 lock in share mode;Copy the code
Update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 20Copy the code

You can see that transactions B and C are locked. Why is the search scope locked when id<15 and id< 20? The range of this lock is actually 1,2,3,4,5,10 and the gap between 5 and 10, the gap between 10 and 20, and 20 itself. Because 15 data does not exist, look for the last record and add the next key lock.

A simple generalization is that a range search locks all records that meet the search criteria and locks the first record that does not meet the criteria.

Case 4: No index range lookup

# transaction A commit; begin; select * from student where age <8 lock in share mode;Copy the code
Update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 10 where id = 20 # update student set age = 20Copy the code

Transactions B and C are also locked. Age <8, lock (id =20);

In the absence of indexes, range lookup locks are extended to the entire table.

How is a normal secondary index locked?

Before we look at that, let’s see where the lock is placed. We add a normal secondary index of age to the table, named index_age

ALTER TABLE `student` ADD INDEX `index_age`(`age`);
Copy the code

Index index_age has the following structure:

age: 1 2 3 4 5 10 20
id: 1 2 3 4 5 10 20

When we execute

# transaction A commit; begin; update student set age = 2 where id =3;Copy the code

The corresponding cluster index 3 is locked, and the corresponding index_age is also locked.

When an update field in an update statement involves an index field, the corresponding secondary index record is also locked.

Select * from index (index_age); select * from index (index_age); If replaced by:

update student set name = 'gg' where age =3;
Copy the code

Index index_age is locked first, then cluster index is locked.

If it is a secondary index range lookup

## commit; begin; select * from student where age <5 lock in share mode; Select * from student; select * from student; select * from student; select * from student; A statement is locked based on the index it uses.Copy the code

Indxe_age (1,2,3,4) is locked, and then the corresponding cluster index is locked. Try to respectively

update student set addresss ='xxxxx' where id = 2# # # is blockedupdate student set addresss ='xxxxx' where id = 20### is not blockedCopy the code

Select * from secondary index; select * from clustered index;

## commit; begin; select * from student where age =15 lock in share mode;Copy the code

Since age =15 does not exist, the secondary index index_age 10 to 20 has a gap lock. But the cluster index is unlocked.

Try to see if the following statement is blocked. The answer will be revealed in the next article.

INSERT into student VALUES (15,'xxxx',4,'xxxx'); INSERT into student VALUES (16,' XXXX ',14,' XXXX '); UPDATE student set age = 14 where id = 2; 3 # statementsCopy the code

Answer to questions from the previous article:

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Select last_number from stock where id = 1000 lock in share mode; Update stock set last_number = last_number - 1 WHERE id = 1000; Step # # 2Copy the code
  1. Deadlocks can occur. If transaction A completes Step 1 and transaction B also completes Step 1, then transaction A tries to perform Step 2 and finds that it needs to wait for transaction B to release the S lock. Similarly, when transaction B needs to perform Step 2, it also needs to wait for the S lock of transaction A. Deadlock occurs.
  2. If step 1 is unlocked. Oversold inventory can occur.
  3. Select last_number from stock where id = 1000 for update; This avoids deadlocks and avoids oversold. But the concurrency is reduced accordingly.

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