Previous experience with mobile app development in Flutter1.x, this is onePlay With Android App for FlutterJust a few days ago, the official version of Flutter2.0 was released, adding web support to give it a try.

First, create a project

To do this, use the Android Studio editor, Flie–>New–>New Flutter ProjectGo straight to Next+Finish and the project is created successfully.

Ii. Running projects

Instead of running it on a phone or emulator, let’s run it on a Web browser.As shown in the figure above, select the last one for real phone debugging. Select Chome or Edge to run in the Web browser, and click the green run button.

!!!!!!!!! Error reported directly

The only solution found so far is a command line boot from the console.

Run -d chrome --web-port=8080 --web-hostname= the code

And then the console will see it start up

And then there’s the miracle

It runs successfully in Chrome.Click on the event to respond! Of course, there is no problem running the mobile phone!Well, at this point, the simple Web experience is gone, although writing complex pages requires a bit of further studyThe Dart languageThe relevant grammar andFlutterThe use of.