1. Option + Enter fixes the problem

2, F2 Jump to the next problem (error, warning, suggestion)

3, Command + 1 opens the project window, which allows you to browse the project tree using arrow keys and search by typing keywords directly.

4. Use ESC to get the Editor back into focus. When the focus is on another IDEA tool window (e.g., Project, Todo, Run, Debug), you can return to the Editor by using ESC.

5, Command + E to view the recently edited file

6, Command + B where to view declarations of variables or methods.

7, Option + F7 looks at all the places where code is called.

8. Press Ctrl twice to enter Run Anything, and then enter a name to Run, such as a test.

9, Option + ↑ or Option + ↓ to select the code range near the cursor.

10, Command + / comments out a line of code

11, Command + Shift + Enter completes the semicolon at the end of the line. If the cursor is in the parenthesis of the for loop, format the code for the parenthesis directly and place the focus on the first line of the for loop.

12, Command + Option + L format code

Ctrl + T refactor some code

14, Command + Shift + A to search for an operation in IDEA.

15. Press Shift twice in a row to search for anything.