Reset software:

Mathtype is checking the registry in the following location:

“HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ JavaSoft \ Prefs \ com \ wiris/editor/license”

It is ok to delete the JavaSoft item. If you are afraid of making mistakes, you can also delete the “JavaSoft\Prefs\com\wiris\editor\license” item.

Go ahead and try it.

What if the 30-day trial expires

Oddity: After mathType expires in 30 days, if you uninstall the software and reinstall it again, it is still “lite” and the functionality still does not work, this is a oddity. The reason is, after expiration, there is a record in the registry. Just delete the registry, reinstall the software, and keep going for a 30-day trial.

Method: Delete a value from the registry (not the default, but another value)

Step 1: Win+R Type regedit.exe.

Step 2: Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Install Options. Delete the option 7.x entry.

Once you’ve done that, reinstall Mathtype and continue with the 30-day trial.