1. Incorrect input cursor in Dialog
It is mainly manifested in the built-in browser of wechat. The cursor moves down, making the Dialog’s cancel and OK buttons unclickable.
The reason:
.van-dialog {
position: fixed;
Copy the code
Fixed layout above ios 10 causes the following bug — cursor overflow. Fixed is not friendly on ios, causing the cursor to jump randomly.
<style lang="less"> /* resolve iOS input cursor mismatch */. Van-dialog {position: absolute! important; } </style>Copy the code
Overrides the Vant style. Then the cursor is in good position and the cancel confirm button can be clicked normally.
2. Refer to the article
1. Misplaced cursor in input box, misplaced cursor in input box /input box on mobile terminal, misplaced cursor in wechat H5 input box/Input box 2. Misplaced cursor in ios input box