About In0ri
In0ri is a content contamination detection system, which mainly uses an image classification convolutional neural network to achieve its function.
When monitoring a website, In0ri periodically takes screenshots of the site and puts them into a preprocessor that resizes the image to 250x250px and digitizes the image before passing it on to the classifier. The core of the classifier is a convolutional neural network, which can be trained to detect whether the website content is normal. If the monitored site is indeed compromised, In0ri will alert users via email.
【 Learning materials 】
Tool requires
Python3 (version >=3.6)
Tools installation
Researchers can use the following command to locally clone the project source code:
git clone https://github.com/J4FSec/In0ri.git
cd In0ri
Copy the code
Next, we need to configure email credentials and proxy keys to enable In0ri to alert users via email. Edit the Alert/ sendemail.py file:
EMAIL_SERVER = "mail.example.com"
EMAIL_ADDRESS = "foo@gmail.com"
EMAIL_PASSWORD = "$uper$ecurePa$$word"
Copy the code
Configuring Telegram Notification
Edit the Alert/chatbot.py file:
CHAT_ID= 'foo' # Channel ID to send notifications to
TOKEN = 'bar' # Bot token retrieved from @BotFather
Copy the code
Now we can start In0ri:
docker-compose up -d
Copy the code
Tool use
We have two ways to deploy and use In0ri:
Run crontab by periodically accessing the URL;
Running an internal proxy on a Web server;
The first method: URL detection
Log in to the In0ri WebUI by visiting https://:8080/, click Register, and fill in and submit the form.
The second method: internal proxy
Log in to the In0ri WebUI by visiting https://:8080/, click Register, and fill in and submit the form.
Click “Create proxy” and fill out the form to confirm that the proxy key for the message is correct.
On the Web server to be monitored, download the Agent folder from GitHub library of this project.
Install the dependency packages needed to run the internal agent:
python3 -m pip install watchdog
python3 -m pip install requests
Copy the code
Edit the config.json file:
nano config.json
Copy the code
Fill in relevant parameters in the following format:
Copy the code
Then, run the agent with the following command:
python3 agent.py
Copy the code
License Agreement
The development and distribution of this project follow the GNU AGPLv3 open source license.