1. Write at the front
Local development, data retrieval will encounter cross-domain problems, see the console red string error:At this time you work overtime, must have been the mouth spit fragrance, open a web page search, shop surface but come is “solve cross domain 8 methods”, “what is cross domain”… A thousand horses galloping inside… I don’t listen, I don’t listen, I just want to get the data…
- To get back to the basics, we’ll talk about how to start nginx in your project (Windows) using the NPM scripts script command. That is, configure your own commands in the package.json directory of the project root directory. NPM run nginx:start can start nginx, so it is not very convenient, pretend to be very convenient, manual head.
- Sudo brew install nginx can be used to install nginx on a MAC. Nginx can be used to install nginx on a MAC
2. Shell script learning
Consider starting Nginx with a shell script and then using Node to execute the shell so that you can start Nginx with a single command. Shell tutorial, to learn some simple Shell.
1. The variable
Curly braces are recommended for all variables as a good programming practice.
#! /bin/bash
echo hello ${name}
# hello jack
Copy the code
2. The string
You are advised to use double quotation marks, which can contain variables and escape characters
#! /bin/bash
str1='this is a string'
str2=str="hello \"${name}\ ",${age} years old"
echo -e ${str}
# hello "jack", 18 years old
Copy the code
3. Shell flow control -if else
if condition
Copy the code
If determines multiple conditional writing
if (( a > b )) && (( a < c ))
Copy the code
Or I could write it this way
if [[ $a > $b[[]] &&$a < $c ]]
Copy the code
4. Shell process control-case
case 值 in
Model 1)
Model 2)
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5. The Shell passes parameters
When executing a Shell script, we can pass parameters to the script in the format of $n. N is a number. 1 is the first parameter of the script, 2 is the second parameter of the script, and so on……
#! /bin/bash
echo "Execute file name:$0";
echo "The first parameter is:The $1";
echo "The second parameter is:$2";
Copy the code
The following output is displayed:
$ chmod +x test.sh
$ ./test.sh 1 2 3
# Shell pass argument instance!
# Execute the file name:./test.sh
The first parameter is: 1
The second parameter is: 2
Copy the code
3. Write our own shell scripts
1. Project Catalog
├ ─ ─ nginx
├ ─ ─ node_modules
├ ─ ─ package. Json
├ ─ ─ the public
├ ─ ─ the README, md
├ ─ ─ the SRC
├ ─ ─ nginx. Sh
├ ─ ─ the download. Sh
├ ─ ─ nginx. Conf
└ ─ ─ yarn. The lock
Copy the code
2. The train of thought
Divided intodownload.shDownload nginx to use andnginx.shStart nginx use
3. nginx.sh
#! /bin/bash
CRTDIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) # current directory
cd "${CRTDIR}/${NGINX_DIR}" Cut to the current nginx root directory
NGINX_CONF="./conf/nginx.conf" # nginx configuration file for the current directory
Start="start ${NGINX}" # start nginx
Stop="${NGINX} -s stop" # close
Reload="${NGINX} -s reload" # overloading
case "The $1" in
echo "nginx start"
# https://blog.csdn.net/yf210yf/article/details/9207335
cp ${CRTDIR}/nginx.conf -f ${CRTDIR}/${NGINX_DIR}/conf # copy root directory nginx.conf to /nginx/conf
${Start} -c ${NGINX_CONF}
echo "nginx stop"
echo "nginx reload"
echo commond not exist!
exit 1
Copy the code
4. download.sh
#! /bin/bash
CRTDIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd) # current directory
# https://www.jb51.net/article/102277.htm
if [[ -d "${NGINX_DIR}" ]] && [[ -f "${NGINX_File}" ]]
echo "nginx found, nginx start..."
# cp ./nginx.conf -f ${CRTDIR}/${NGINX_DIR}/conf
# call nginx. Sh
source ./nginx.sh start
echo "nginx not found, downloading nginx..."
Delete old files
rm -rf "${CRTDIR}/${NGINX_DIR}"
rm -rf "${CRTDIR}/${NGINX_RENAME}"
# wget "$downloadPath" -O nginx.zip && unzip nginx.zip -d .
# download nginx
Unzip to the appropriate directory
Rename the folder
Delete the compressed file
# copy root directory nginx.conf to /nginx/conf
# start nginx
curl -o "${NGINX_RENAME}" "${downloadPath}"
unzip "${NGINX_RENAME}" -d .
rm -f "${NGINX_RENAME}"
cp ./nginx.conf -f ${CRTDIR}/${NGINX_DIR}/conf
source ./nginx.sh start
Copy the code
5. Configure the scripts command in package.json
"scripts": {
"download": "bash download.sh".
"nginx:start": "sh ./nginx.sh start".
"nginx:stop": "sh ./nginx.sh stop".
"nginx:reload": "sh ./nginx.sh reload"
Copy the code
Start, close, and reload nginx
# download nginx
npm run download
# start nginx
npm run nginx:start
Close # nginx
npm run nginx:stop
# reload nginx
npm run nginx:reload
Copy the code
Start the nginx
$ yarn run nginx:start
Yarn run v1.13.0
$ sh ./nginx.sh start
nginx start
Done in0.28 s.
Copy the code
Close the nginx
$ yarn run nginx:stop
Yarn run v1.13.0
$ sh ./nginx.sh stop
nginx stop
Done in0.23 s.
Copy the code
4. Pay attention to the point
In Windows, use Git bash to run the name, or download the cmder and run the command.
5. Reference materials
- Shell Tutorial
- Nginx download
- Install Nginx on MAC
- Shell script —-cp (copy) Copies files or directories
- Method of checking for the existence of files using Bash Shell