• background
    • I usually use Axios to make requests in Vue projects. When I used Axios for self-study, I used the following method, which was very inelegant
        method: "GET".url: "/xxx/xxx",
        .then(res= > {
          if(res.status == 200) {this.xxxx = res.data.xxxx.xxxx.concat([]);
        .catch(err= > {
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  • After work, under the guidance of the master, I learned this method, so record it
  • Start by wrapping a Request.js API
import axios from 'axios'
import utilHelper from '.. /utilHelper';
import {
} from "vant";

// Create an axios instance
const request = axios.create({
  baseURL: utilHelper.scope.proxyName, / / API base_url
  //timeout: 5000 // Request timeout period
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/json'}});// The request interception layer adds a token to the request header for each request
request.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
  let token = utilHelper.scope.token; // Get the token of the storage
  if(token ! = =' ') {
    // Put the token in the request header to the server and the Tokenkey in the request header
    config.headers.token = token;
    // It can also be written this way
    // config.headers['accessToken'] = Token;
  return config;
}, function (error) {
  return Promise.reject(error);

// Response interception
request.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {

  // Intercepting an error request and the backend convention that result equals zero is an exception request
  if(response.data.result ! =1) {
    // Error popup
      message: response.data.data,
      duration: 3000.background: "#fa4049"
    if (response.data.data == 'Invalid Key') {
      window.location.href = "./index.html#/login";
    throw Error(response.data.result); // Throw an error
  return response;
}, function (error) {
  // Do something with response error
  if(error.response.status == 401){
      message: "Please log in first.".duration: 3000.background: "#fa4049"
    window.location.href = "./index.html#/login";
      message: error.message,
      duration: 3000.background: "#fa4049"
    return Promise.reject(error); }});export default request;
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  • You then need to import the above files into the organization request Api file
  • Such as loginApi. Js
import request from "@/apis/common/request.js";
/** * login *@param {*} account 
 * @param {*} pwd 
const login = function (account, password) {
    return request({
        method: "POST".url: '/user/login'.params: {
    }).then(resp= > {
        return resp.data;
export default {
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  • Import in the file that needs to use the request Api and use try catch async await
    import loginApi from "@/apis/login/loginApi";
    try {
          // Initiate a request
          let { data : result } = await loginApi.login(this.account, this.pw);
          // The token is stored after the login
        } catch (err) {
        } finally{}Copy the code
  • About utilsHelper. Js
    • It is mainly used to store some edible data in memory, such as token and proxyName(the base path of AXIos request)
    let scope = {
        proxyName: process.env.NODE_ENV == "production" ? ".. /" : ". /".// Request paths are different in development and production environments and can be set after communication with the back end
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  • Vue.config.js for the agent Settings
let target = "http://xxx.xxxx.xxx";
let appNameList = ['/user'.'/ddd'.'/aaa'.'/xxxx'.'/xxxxxx'];
let proxyObj = {};
appNameList.forEach(name= > {
   proxyObj[name] = {
       changeOrigin: false}});module.exports = {
   devServer: {
       historyApiFallback: true.noInfo: true.port: 8080.proxy: proxyObj
   // Do not change the image to base64
   chainWebpack: config= > {
           .tap(options= > {
               options.limit = -1
               return options
   publicPath: '/'.outputDir: undefined.assetsDir: undefined.runtimeCompiler: undefined.productionSourceMap: false.parallel: undefined.css: undefined
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