Background: Due to the rapid business expansion of the team, the project was changed from one, two to three; In order to improve the maintainability of the project, refactoring was decided. The first refactoring was completed in two months with limited knowledge.
What have I done?
- Take a cue from Monorepo to merge projects and split components
- JS migrated to TS
- Home page optimization
- CSS specification handling
- Adding unit tests
- Adding Front-end Monitoring
Second, refer to the idea of Monorepo, merge projects and split components
1. Merge projects
In fact, for these three projects of our team, there are many common components, so we should consider whether we can extract these common components to improve the maintainability of the project. For specific operations, you can first look at a picture. Country and star represent two different projects. The project to be started is determined by the configuration in config.
Refer to my article for more details and warehousesA solution for multiple projects to extract common components.
2. Split components
Consider what needs to be extracted or broken down: components, static resources, and styles. Of course, reference to the absolute path of the split component is still a consideration. I have written the configuration of this piece in the file S of Appconfig. j (source code is available in the link above). For our three projects, I have extracted components, views, assets and styles. Of course, which parts should be mentioned depends on the project.
JS to TS
We may not feel the power of TS at first, but when the project gets bigger, TS can really improve the development efficiency and reduce the maintenance cost.
Of course, many companies are already migrating to TS, and we are no exception. But how to start, which first migration is the question, the following is just my personal practice.
It is important to understand that our current project must be able to run with both JS and TS.
- Configuration of ESLint: Use vueCLI as an example to initialize a TS version of the project. Copy several pages of our project, configured with ESLint to run, with the goal of setting validation as a warning first and, from a macro perspective, adapting the project as quickly as possible. Take a quick look at the rules configuration in ESLint at the beginning of our project.
There are also people who use tsLint instead of ESLint. I would prefer esLint because tsLint stops maintenance.
// eslint.js rules: { 'no-cond-assign': 'warn'.'no-redeclare': 'warn'.'no-sparse-arrays': 'warn'.'no-useless-catch': 'warn'.'no-useless-escape': 'warn'.'no-unsafe-finally': 'warn'.'prefer-rest-params': 'warn'.'no-empty': 'warn'.'no-empty-function': 'warn'.'@typescript-eslint/camelcase': 'warn'.'@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function': 'warn'.Copy the code
} ‘ ‘2. Use @ts-ignore and any properly: generally, a project is completed by several people. When you refactor someone else’s code, you can use @ts-ignore to ignore some logic that is difficult to understand. When there are some functions whose parameters require more than one type of adaptation, we can use any to ignore the parameter types. Of course I did (after all, the schedule was limited). The/SRC /@types/index.d.ts files need to be separated out for some generic types, because ts will look for *.d.ts files under @types by default, meaning that the types in this file can be used in all components of the current project4. Migration order: compenents — > views — > utils
Fourth, home page optimization
In a project, the first contact for users is the home page, so the loading of the home page is very important, I only made four parts
- Add loading animations for public/index.html
- Route lazy loading
- Some libraries (such as Echarts) will be introduced from NPM to MDN. For introduction methods, see CDN configuration optimization in this article
- Webpack For the configuration of production environment, use some WebPack plug-ins, such as compression-webpack-plugin to compress the code
5. CSS specification processing
CSS is an easy part to overlook, but it can be extremely disgusting to late maintainers if not taken seriously. For this part
- Normally,! Important is not allowed
- In the case of Vue, scoped must not be omitted. Of course, for changes that look like elementUI components, you can use :: V-deep
<style lang="scss" scoped>
::v-deep .el-input {
color: "#eee"
Copy the code
- For our project, I put all colors in constant form for convenient maintenance (because we also need to change the theme later).
// color.scss
$primary-purple: #706cf5
$secondary-purple: #4c3f7f;
// index.vue
.link {
color: $primary-purple;
&:hover {
color: $secondary-purple; }}Copy the code
- Use BEM naming conventions: block-name__element-name–modifier-name, that is, module name (component name) + element name + modifier name
Add unit tests
Generally larger projects will add unit tests, for vUE unit tests can be added refer to this article I try to add unit tests for VUE projects
7. Add front-end monitoring
At present, there are still many solutions for front-end monitoring. For our project, I used Fundebug (charging), which, in my opinion, fully meets our needs
Vii. I also did these operations for the project
- Compatible with IE, refer to the article through vuecli3.0+ compatible with IE trample pit record, learn the way to solve the problem
- Front and back end error mapping processing, refer to the article to share a handwritten front and back end error mapping scheme
Eight, summary
Limited experience, limited level, expected comments section correction; Of course, if you feel useful, you can like