
MySQL has been the no. 2 in the past two years, and may surpass Oracle to become no. 1 at any time, because MySQL’s performance has been optimized, security mechanism is gradually mature, and more importantly, it is open source and free.

At present, most of the Internet’s first choice is still MySQL, so as a developer, it is very necessary to master the use of MySQL, so how to achieve the “mastery” of MySQL, it needs to spend a lot of thought. So how do you learn MySQL? Let’s talk about it today.

The following three steps are introduced for me to learn MySQL. I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to get the offer from Tmall smoothly.

These three steps, including a lot of documents, such as Xmind thinking map, study notes, actual combat documents, interview questions and so on, are free to share, need these information friends pay attention to the end of the public account to obtain

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

Step 1: Comb through MySQL and list its structure

No matter what kind of knowledge and skills to learn, it is very important to learn how to comb out a knowledge. On the one hand, the comb out of a knowledge can speed up memory, and on the other hand, make the whole knowledge point in my mind clearer and complete. Therefore, the first step of my study of MySQL is to comb out MySQL.

For sorting out MySQL, I also arranged such a structure diagram, including the main core knowledge related to MySQL, really do at a glance:

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

Step 2: From the basics to the real thing

1. Decrypt MySQL from the basics

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

2. 21 best practices for MySQL performance optimization

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

3. MySQL, my personal project

I wrote a simple shell script that can test and deploy a simple MySQL Group Replication environment quickly. It can quickly create multiple instance nodes in a minute or more. If you want to learn and try the MGR, it is recommended to try it.

I have tested it manually for several times, and it can still be used. It is not lofty, but it can basically meet the needs. Today, I found time to improve it and deploy it in a new environment, which is relatively smooth.

Let me briefly talk about this small project and hope that we can work together to improve it step by step.

Here’s a screenshot on Github:

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

Here are some basic steps to implement rapid deployment of MGR.


/usr/local/ MySQL = /usr/local/ MySQL = /usr/local/ MySQL The latest version is officially 5.7.19Copy the code

The third step: understand the interview questions, smooth into the big factory

1.24 Must-know Database interview Questions

  1. Why use autoincrement column as primary key
  2. Why does data indexing improve efficiency
  3. B+ tree index and hash index difference
  4. Advantages of hash indexes
  5. Scenarios where hash indexes are not applicable
  6. B tree and B+ tree
  7. Why is B+ more suitable than B tree for file index and database index in practical operating system?
  8. MySQL > select * from MySQL;
  9. When should no or few indexes be built
  10. What is a table partition?
  11. The difference between a table partition and a sub-table
  12. What are the benefits of table partitioning?
  13. Constraints on partitioned tables
  14. How to determine whether the current MySQL database supports partitioning?
  15. What are the partition types supported by MySQL?
  16. Four levels of isolation
  17. About MVVC
  18. In MVCC concurrency control, read operations fall into two categories
  19. Advantages of row-level locking
  20. Disadvantages of row-level locking
  21. MySQL optimization
  22. Difference between key and index
  23. What are the differences between MyISAM and InnoDB in Mysql?
  24. Database table creation considerations

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

2.MySQL Database Senior engineer

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall

3.BATJ frontline Internet often ask MySQL select 55 questions

In three steps, I finished MySQL in one day, which enabled me to successfully win the offer from Tmall


“Free”, “powerful” and “mature” are all that make MySQL stand at the top of the database heap. Therefore, proficient in MySQL, improve their competitiveness, will be able to shorten the distance with the first-line large factories.

Any information related to MySQL in the above article can be shared with you for free. If you need these information, you can directly follow the following public account to obtain it

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