In software development, some companies use programmers as a resource pool, which is essentially sheep (yes, outsourcing). The characteristics of the sheep are interesting, but the individual doesn’t really exist. Most of the time, just keeping your head down and eating grass is enough.

Take a look.

The sheep are eating grass

The sheep’s job is to eat grass.

It doesn’t care how much grass there is, or why it’s given a place to eat it, it eats it without even thinking about it. When the shepherds set a field, they would eat from left to right, and then from right to left again, until it was all gone.

Sheep’s mouths stink, and the grass will not sprout for a year.

If you leave them alone and the grass runs out, some sheep will start to eat the grass roots and slowly starve to death. It never thought to take a look at the outside world.

A sheep will ruminate, which means putting something it has chewed back into its mouth and chewing it again. This kind of repetitive movement, the sheep’s IQ is very low, can only do these low-level cycles. Sheep have hernias, their mouths are smelly but they don’t feel it, they just move their teeth with glazed eyes until they chew grass-green fluid.

Jing group of sheep

Sometimes sheep show strange movements.

One sunny afternoon, all the sheep were grazing carefully. Suddenly, one of the sheep stood on end and pricked up its ears and opened its eyes, as if it saw something very dangerous.

Perhaps its brain is short-circuited, suddenly thought of something that does not belong to it; Maybe the grasshopper in the grass startled him. If one sheep shows this attitude, the grazing sheep will stop chewing and prick up their ears and eyes in a matter of seconds.

This lasts for a dozen seconds until the danger is gone — or, more likely, there is no danger at all.

In a group, the alarm of an individual can suddenly spread throughout the group, but no one knows exactly where the danger comes from. Perhaps it is only in those ten or so seconds, when it has stopped grazing, that the sheep wonders why it is a sheep and not a sheepdog lying on its side.

More often, the sheep will keep their heads down and continue to graze, and all the sheep will quickly forget this collective thinking.

Sheep not afraid dead

Pigs howl all the time when they are killed; Cows weep when they are killed.

The sheep was different. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t even look afraid.

We all used to call a sheep the silent lamb because it is quiet. Quiet because it is low IQ, not because it is brave.

I killed sheep. From hanging by its hooves, until the knife goes into its neck and bleeds. The sheep would struggle with the pain, but the whole process went surprisingly smoothly. So people who kill sheep, there’s never any psychological pressure, because the process is so smooth.

Sometimes the knife fails, and the sheep watches with interest as its blood lies down and sticks out its tongue to feel it. He may prick up his ears at a grasshopper, but he’s not much afraid of you with the knife.

He probably didn’t think his owner would attack him. He thinks he’s special, even if you kill his mate right in front of him.

The funny thing is, sheep are docile on the outside, most sheep are not honest on the inside.

Two sheep, for some reason that no one can understand, will jump up and bump each other’s heads. The head is broken and bleeding, the sheep’s horn is everywhere. That position, is to fight against life, fight more and more strong.

I feel more and more that sheep have no desire for life and no pursuit for a better life. I even think it wants to die.

He never digs a hole to store his food, as dogs do; And unlike crows, who like to collect things that glow. Sheep from the birth, the eyes of the revealed life without love, only in the rut, can behave like a normal animal.

It is not afraid of death, for it has never understood why it lives. Besides, there was nothing worth missing in a life of eating grass and chewing.


Sheep are tame, boring, and non-aggressive, so many people like them (and I don’t mean the liberated sheep of Iraq). But sheep also have no loyalty, it can because of a small ewe, the other sheep, you will never find her again.

It is difficult for a person to identify each sheep, because the whole process can feel tedious, dull and unnecessary. Keeping a few sheepdogs is the most common way. The sheepdog dutifully shadows and chases the sheep that are dragging and disobedient. The sheepdog doesn’t have to work or chew grass most of the time, so when the sun is shining, he can just lie on his belly and dump dog poop anywhere.

The sheepdog will have his own fun. He will tease a certain sheep and run after it, though he forgets it in the end; He makes his own rules, like some obsessive-compulsive sheepdogs that require their sheep to follow a certain route.

The sheepdog is never more alert than when the sheep are alarmed. For even a few seconds, if the sheep had time to think for themselves, the whole ecology would have changed dramatically. If one sheep starts to run out of order, the whole herd will stampede and the sheepdog will be exhausted.

The sheepdog is particularly concerned about situations that might interfere with dinner.

The shepherd’s supper was occasionally roasted whole sheep, while the sheepdog looked forward to falling bones. As for the sheep, they didn’t care much about the end.

Everyone seems satisfied, except the onlookers. Let’s count the sheep in the picture below.

Can’t count? It just means you’re not fit to be a sheepdog. Nothing to be sad about. .

Original: Taste of Little Sister (wechat official ID: XjjDog)

PS: In addition, for those who are learning programming or are working, if you want to improve your programming ability or even change industries, you can overtake on a curve and take a step faster! The author here may be able to help you ~

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