Video Cloud Track is an imaginative track that could revolutionize business and society and become the base of the big video era.

Video cloud technology is an innovative technology that can break through time and space to create a new world.

On July 10, “Imagine” — 2021 Aliyun Video cloud Panorama Innovation Summit and Global Video Cloud Innovation Challenge Final award ceremony will be held in Beijing.

This summit, with a panoramic innovative perspective, will deeply explore the picture and energy of this hyper-video era, and think about the imagination space of video cloud technology in the era.

Empower the industry scene, insight into the blind spot, pain point, opportunity point, innovation point in the link of new application scene of video cloud, covering mutual entertainment, e-commerce, education, media, collaboration and other industries.

Innovation based on social perspective, feel how technology extends social imagination, and discover more value and possibility of technology creating life, safety, health and entertainment.

Together with content creation ecology and creative artists, we will explore the interpenetration of technology and cross-boundary art, and appreciate how digital audio and video reconstructs the new aesthetic world.

At the same time, we will release a series of new insights, new technologies, new plans, together with the community to create a new vision, new experience, new future.

In addition to the discussion and exploration of The Times, business, society and ecology, the Summit also held the “New Interactive Device Experience Exhibition” with cross-border intelligent manufacturing as the core, integrating AI, visual computing, audio and video, AR, VR and other technologies to bring a new interactive and creative immersive experience.

This summit will gather many industry heavyhitters

From the commercial insight of the industry, to the divergent innovation of society

The interpenetration of science and technology and art

To create resonance with content creation end

From macro to micro, 360 degrees to immersive

Show panoramic observation and true thinking.

Panoramic innovation exploration, thus began

Imagine to spread infinitely, look forward to together

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