Before recommending these five books, I want to talk about my understanding of the front end.

First of all, what can the front end do

Before the HTML5 specification and NodeJS came out, most of the work on the front end was to restore the design, do the effects, and use Ajax to interact with the data in the background. The most famous framework at that time was JQuery, which greatly improved the development efficiency of developers. Since then, we can operate the DOM and use events in a more concise and elegant way without worrying about most compatibility problems.

With the emergence and continuous improvement of HTML5 specification and the emergence of NodeJS, the front end is constantly expanding its scope of function. We can use Canvas to realize data visualization chart, and even combine other features of HTML5 to realize software applications like PhotoShop. Using Node, you can develop background services, operate databases, do reverse proxies, crawlers and so on, which almost covers most fields. The emergence of electron makes the front end generous and brilliant, allowing us to have the ability to develop desktop products, not to mention the popular WEEX and small programs in recent years, directly allowing us to have the ability to develop mobile apps (React Native is also a good choice).

So, for those of you who are learning the front end or want to take your technology to the next level, I hope this recommendation will be helpful to you.

The first book on Javascript Dom programming art

The second book is javascript framework design

Third book React Essence

Fourth book TypeScript calligraphy

The fifth book Vue’s authoritative Guide

Finally, if you are interested, you can go to the following links to learn about related resources

1. The javascript Dom programming links:… 2. Javascript Framework Design link… Password: 0 3 PSC. React essence links:… 4. Typescript script link… Password: lqir 5. Vue authoritative guide link:… Password: 4 CNQ