This is my first article on getting started.

I am a front end side dish chicken, this is the problem I encountered in the project, we made a PC side commodity sliding effect, when using the loop loop, the copied goods can not trigger the click event. Finally, I found the DOM node in swiper instance where I clicked the item. Swiper loop has a data-index attribute, and I found it and got its value, so I knew the index value of the item, and triggered the click event. No more words on the code!!!!

/ / swiper configuration
        initSwiper () {
            const that = this
            const width = document.body.clientWidth
            const list = document.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide')
            const numberA = list[0].clientWidth / 4
            const numberB = list[0].clientWidth / 8
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
            const mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
                loop: true./ / the offset
                slidesOffsetBefore: width <= 720 ? -numberA : (width > 720 && width <= 968)?0 : -numberB * 3.slidesPerView: width <= 720 ? 2 : (width > 720 && width <= 968)?3 : 4.centeredSlides: true.centeredSlidesBounds: true.navigation: {
                    nextEl: '.swiper-button-next'.prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev'
                on: {
                    click: function (swiper, event) {
                        // Determine whether to click the forward and back buttons
                        if(! swiper.clickedSlide) {if (event.srcElement.classList[2= = ='van-icon-arrow') {
                                return false
                            } else {
                                return false}}// Determine which array is clicked and which item is under the array
                        if (swiper.el.attributes[1].nodeValue - 0= = =0) {
                            //Swiper.clickedSlide is the DOM node of the clicked item in Swiper instance
                            that.detail(0, swiper.clickedSlide.attributes[2].nodeValue - 0)}else if (swiper.el.attributes[1].nodeValue - 0= = =1) {
                            that.detail(1, swiper.clickedSlide.attributes[2].nodeValue - 0)}else {
                            that.detail(2, swiper.clickedSlide.attributes[2].nodeValue - 0)}}}})},Copy the code

I do have a little trouble with this method, welcome to leave a message to correct