Personal experience

I started my internship in September, 2016 and graduated from a second book in July, 2019. There are about 100 people in the front-end team of my old employer. Social recruitment is not internship experience, but one and a half years of experience.

From my internship in 2018.9 – to my regular employment in 2019.7 – to my resignation in 2021.3, I wrote a similar business for a long time in this year and a half, which I felt was of little help to my growth. It’s always VUE, it’s always toB, it’s always HIS. For nearly a year, I was basically in charge of two projects by myself, and I really wanted to do projects with others and learn the posture of big men. Also want to do other products, or toC, etc., want to expose myself to more things. I learned about Youzan’s strong technology and used React, which is favored by Dachang. I want to switch to this aspect, which is also for dachang’s dream, so I need to make some changes. In addition, marriage requires a house, and the housing price in Hangzhou is not low, so we have to struggle. Frankly speaking, we still lack money. Before leaving, I also roughly understood the increase of my old employer, and I could not refuse the double offered by my next employer. I also want to improve my base and prepare for the future.

I interviewed microdot, Doodle, Hikon, Endpoint, Youzan, and Bytedance to give you an overview of the interview and the results:

1. Offer

The first company to go out for an interview, 3 rounds of technology + one round of HR, the salary is ok, other 1-3 months at the end of the year, single leave + five insurance and one housing fund is the lowest, I do not consider

2. Graffiti (hanging on site)

Went to the scene full of confidence, got hammered. The secondary reason is that I sent the PDF resume with the key points in other colors. As a result, the resume printed by the doodle HR was missing all the highlights. The interviewer is also very helpless, can only pick other can see the keyword ask, I am not too familiar, can only GG. You’re beating yourself up pretty hard… The main reason is to cook for yourself

3. Haikang (20mins hanging on one side)

20 minutes at a time, and then he hung up

4. Offer

One phone call, two on-site calls, three HR calls. React technology stack, there are about 70 or 80 people in the front end, and the salary is also ok. I heard that 90% of the employees there are three months at the end of the year. I was going to go there originally, but there are favorable offers behind.

5. Offer

About a week ago, I received the offer on the last working day of the year ago and offered to resign

6. Bytedance (1H20mins on one side)

Got a great offer years ago, ready to go. Unfortunately, I have not met a big factory. When I was about to leave my job, my friend helped me push the bytes. With the mentality of trying, it had been a month since the last interview, so I simply prepared for it. One side of 1h20min, personal feeling is not as difficult as imagined, programming questions did not do well, it is their own problem, and then refueling 💪🏻.

Sorted out the next front-end interview questions and answers, I hope to help you, in the golden three silver four occasion, to find a satisfactory job.


1. How do you understand HTML semantics 2. What HTML5 tags do you use 3. 4. What is H5 5. What is the function of the label 6. What are block-level elements? What are the void elements? 8. What is the difference between setting width and height on canvas tag and setting width and height in style 9. On which browsers have your pages been tested? What are the kernels of these browsers? 10. What are the disadvantages of iframe? 13. How do browsers manage and load HTML5 offline storage resources? 14. A Doctype? How to distinguish strict mode from promiscuous mode? What do they mean? 15.HTML vs. XHTML — What’s the difference


1. Box-sizing can be used to set the layout model of DOM elements for page rendering. According to the calculation of the width and height area can be divided into: 2. Several ways to obtain the width and height 3. Edge overlap solution (BFC)BFC Principle 4. Margin overlap solution (BFC) BFC principle 6. What is the difference between CSS reset and Normalize 7. 9. What are the selectors of CSS? 11. What is cssHACK? Can you explain the flexbox (flexible box layout model) of CSS3 and the applicable scenarios?


1. Please tell me something about the advantages and disadvantages of cookies 2. Array. Prototype. Slice. The methods of function call (arr, 2) is 3. After executing the following code, the console output is 4. A brief description of what browser local storage looks like 5. Prototype/Constructor/instance 6. prototype chain 7. execution Context (EC) 8. Variable object 9. Scope chain 10. Closure 11. Copy of object 12. Execution of new operator 13. Reuse of code 15. Inheritance

The browser

Cross-tab communication 2. Browser architecture 3. EventLoop in browser 4. 5. Redraw and reflux 6. Storage 7.WebWorker 8.V8 Garbage collection mechanism 9. 10. Reflow and Repaint optimizations

Server and network

Get/POST 4.Websocket 5.TCP three-way handshake 6.TCP four-way wave 7.Node EventLoop:6 Phases 8. Security 10.HTTPS and HTTP are different


1. What are the two cores of vue.js? 2. What is the principle of bidirectional binding of VUE? 3. What are vue lifecycle hook functions? 4. What is the difference between V-IF and V-show? What is the vUE lifecycle 7. Data response (data hijacking) 8. Implementation of virtualDOM principle 9


1. Five algorithms 2. Basic sorting algorithm 3. Advanced sorting algorithm 4. Recursive application (Fibonacci sequence) : climbing stairs 5. Data tree 6. Balance for defective products

For programmers, to learn the content of knowledge, technology there are too many, not to be eliminated by the environment only to constantly improve themselves, revolution has always been we to adapt to the environment, rather than the environment to adapt to us! ** There are no other tricks of the trade, just how prepared you are for these questions. So, just go out and find out where you are in your review.

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