
It is the annual Spring Festival holiday again, and it is the time to open the gap between people!

Last year, due to the pandemic, I taught myself about flutter at home for almost a month, then wrote a bunch of flutter projects on Github and got a pretty good response.

Here is the Flutter project I wrote at that time, for those interested in it.

  • Flutter complete learning projectFlutterSample:…
  • The Flutter Template projectflutter_template:…
  • Update plugin for Flutter versionflutter_xupdate:…
  • The Flutter version has updated the popover componentflutter_update_dialog:…
  • Update case of Flutter versionflutter_app_update_example:…

So what are you going to do for this Spring Festival? Have you considered, while others are playing games in the holiday shuyin waste time, follow me to learn a good, to a corner to overtake?

Decided to do a couple of video tutorials

Learning Flutter is not that difficult. As long as you have some mobile development experience, you can easily master flutter development in a short period of time.

I have written a few articles about Flutter before, but I don’t think that much has been gained. Simply looking at Flutter without doing some practical application development doesn’t inspire much interest.

I’ve said before that the best way to learn a skill is to do it. Many times from books or articles is fairly cheap access to knowledge, the knowledge in the test may be useful, but when we walk into society, the knowledge is basically a step out of the school will forget, because these knowledge itself does not belong to you, and only those who are in your grasp the knowledge, hands-on practice is really belongs to you.

Therefore, in order to improve your hands-on skills and help you learn more effectively, as well as to help me review some of my knowledge about FLUTTER, I decided to start a series of video tutorials on Flutter.

Here is my first Flutter video, full of dry stuff:

Flutter series | template project introduction

The reference here is to my previous post, The Get Started Series on Flutter Application Development Templates

Here I want to make fun of the Nuggets, the CSDN and sifus community can support the video loading, why the Nuggets community does not support so far? Many suggestions have been made before, but none have been listened to…

In the future, I will make some teaching videos related to Flutter and share them with you one after another. Since the Nuggets community is not friendly to load the videos, those who are interested can follow my Bilibili account xuexiangjys or my wechat official account: [My Android Open Source Journey], I will be Posting regularly on both platforms.