What is a pointer

As we all know, the data stored in memory when the program is running, each data stored in memory has a number, this number is the memory address. We can use this memory address to find the data stored in memory, and the memory address can be assigned to a pointer. We can also simply think of Pointers as memory addresses.

Declaration and definition of Pointers

In Go, to get a pointer, you simply use the address character &. Example:

func main(a) {
  name := "A little bird's nest."
  nameP := &name / / get the address
  fmt.Println("The name variable value is:", name)
  fmt.Println(The memory address of the name variable is:, nameP)
// Run result:
// The value of the name variable is: micro guest bird nest
// The memory address of the name variable is 0xc00004e240
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  • The nameP pointer is of type *string
  • In the Go language,* type nameRepresents a corresponding pointer type
variable In-memory data Memory address
Name := “” Micro guest bird’s nest 0xc00004e240
nameP := &name 0xc00004e240 0xc00004e360

As can be seen from the table above:

  1. The value of the common variable name is a micro guest nest, stored in memory address 0xC00004E240 memory
  2. The value of the pointer variable namep is the memory address of the common variable 0xc00004e240
  3. The value of the pointer variable nameP is stored in the memory address 0xC00004e360
  4. Ordinary variables store data, pointer variables store the address of data

Var indicates the keyword

We can also declare using the var keyword

var nameP *string
nameP = &name
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New function declaration

nameP := new(string)
nameP = &name
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You can pass the type to this built-in new function, and it will return the corresponding pointer type.

Operations on Pointers

A pointer variable is a variable whose value is a pointer (memory address). A pointer variable is a variable whose value is the pointer (memory address)! A pointer variable is a variable whose value is the pointer (memory address)!

  1. Get the value to which the pointer points:

Just add * to the pointer variable to get the data corresponding to the pointer variable value:

nameV := *nameP
fmt.Println("The nameP pointer points to the value :",nameV) // The nameP pointer points to the value of the micro guest bird nest
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  1. Modify the value to which the pointer points:
*nameP = "Official Account: Weiguest Bird's Nest" // Modify the value to which the pointer points
fmt.Println("The nameP pointer points to the value :",*nameP)
fmt.Println(The value of the name variable is:,name)
// Run result:
// The nameP pointer points to the following value: public account: micro guest bird nest
// The value of the name variable is: public account: micro guest bird nest
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  • We find that the value to which the nameP pointer points has been changed, and the value of the variable name has also been changed
  • Because the name variable stores data in the same memory as the pointer to nameP, when nameP changes the memory, the value of the variable name is also changed.
  1. A pointer variable defined directly by the var keyword cannot be assigned because it has a nil value, that is, a memory address not yet pointed to
// Error examples
var intP *int
*intP = 10  // Error: we should allocate a block of memory first, the memory address as the value of the variable intP, this memory can hold 10.

// Should be used
var intP *int  // Declare a pointer variable of type int intP
intP = new(int) // Allocate a block of memory to the pointer
*intP = 66 
fmt.Println(": : :",intP)  //::: 0xc0000ac088
fmt.Println(*intP) / / 66
// Short form
var intP := new(int)
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Pointer parameter

When we give a function a pointer as an argument, we can change the value of the argument in the function through the parameter:

func main(a) {
	name := "Clean"
	fmt.Println("The value of name is :",name)
func modify(name *string)  {
	*name = "wucs"
// Run result:
// The value of name is wucs
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Pointer receiver

  1. If the receiver type is a reference type such as Map, slice, or channel, no pointer is used.
  2. If you need to change the receiver, you need to use a pointer.
  3. If the recipient is a larger type, consider using Pointers because memory copying is cheaper and therefore more efficient.

When to use Pointers

  • Do not use Pointers to reference types such as Map, slice, channel;
  • If you need to modify the data or state inside the method receiver, you need to use Pointers.
  • If you need to change the parameter value or internal data, you also need to use the pointer type parameter.
  • If it is a large structure, memory needs to be copied every time an argument is passed or a method is called.
  • There is no need to use Pointers for small data types like int and bool.
  • If concurrency security is required, do not use Pointers as much as possible. Use Pointers to ensure concurrency security.
  • Pointers are best not nested, that is, don’t use a pointer to a pointer, although Go allows this, but it can make your code very complicated.