Books information

  • In-depth Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine (Version 2)
  • Subtitle: Advanced JVM Features and Best Practices
  • Author: Zhou Zhiming
  • Douban score: 9 out of 10

Content abstract

  • In Depth understanding the Java Virtual Machine: Advanced FEATURES and Best Practices for the JVM (2nd edition) It is recognized as a classic and super bestseller in the field of Java books, and the traditional version is also very popular in Taiwan. The second edition is a major improvement on the first edition: comprehensive updates and additions to the book according to the latest JDK 1.7; Added a number of tips and best practices for dealing with various common JVM issues; Increased a number of actual combat cases combined with the production environment; Correction of errors and deficiencies in version 1; And so on. The second version is not only technologically updated and richer, but also more practical.
  • Understanding the Java Virtual Machine: Advanced FEATURES and Best Practices for the JVM (Version 2) is divided into five parts, providing a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the JVM around core topics such as memory management, execution subsystems, program compilation and optimization, and efficient concurrency, and revealing deep insights into how the JVM works.
  • The first part provides a macro view of the entire Java technology architecture, Java and JVM history, modularity, and JDK compilation, which is important for understanding the rest of the book.
  • The second part explains the automatic memory management of JVM, including the principle of virtual machine memory partition and the causes of various memory overflow exceptions. Common garbage collection algorithms and the characteristics and working principle of garbage collector; This section describes the principles and usage of common VM monitoring and troubleshooting tools.
  • The third part analyzes the execution subsystem of virtual machine, including class file structure, virtual machine class loading mechanism, virtual machine bytecode execution engine.
  • The fourth part explains the compilation of the program and the optimization of the code, expounds the principles of generics, automatic boxing and unboxing, conditional compilation and other syntax sugar; The virtual machine HotSpot detection method, HotSpot just-in-time compiler, compilation trigger conditions, and how to observe and analyze jIT-compiled data and results from outside the virtual machine were explained.
  • The fifth part discusses the principle of Java to realize efficient concurrency, including the structure and operation of JVM memory model. Atomicity, visibility and order in Java memory model; Rules and use of the antecedent principle; The realization principle of thread in Java language; Virtual machine to achieve efficient concurrency by a series of lock optimization measures.

Author’s brief introduction

  • Zhou Zhiming, senior Java technology expert, has in-depth research on JavaEE enterprise application development, OSGi, Java virtual machine and workflow, and has accumulated rich experience in a large number of practices. Especially proficient in Java VIRTUAL machine, he has written a large number of classic articles related to JVM, which are hotly reprinted by various technical communities. He is recognized by ITeye and other technical communities as one of the leaders in Java virtual machine. In addition to this book, he is the author of a well-received classic book, Understanding OSGi in Depth: Equinox Principles, Applications, and Best Practices. He is now the general manager and architect of development Department of YGSOFT Inc., and has participated in the platform architecture work of several national large-scale ERP projects, such as State Grid, China Southern Power Grid, etc., and has a profound understanding and experience of software system architecture.

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