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We have introduced the major browser kernels and the timeline of their birth, and we will further introduce the relevant knowledge of these kernels.

Figure 1-1 Relationship between browser kernel forks


The figure above clearly shows the fork relationship of browser cores at present. Currently, browser cores are divided into four parts, namely Blink kernel led by Google, WebKit kernel led by Apple, EdgeHtml kernel led by Microsoft, and Gecko dominated by the old Mozilla. Due to Chrome’s market share, Blink kernel will have more market space in the future.

Google released the first Windows-based Chrome browser in September 2008, followed by versions for Linux, macOS, iOS and Android. Chrome has had a WebKit kernel since the first release until Version27, when it switched to Blink kernel from Version28.

The Blink kernel was born in April 2013. It is only five years old. Currently, Chrome(v28+), Opera(v15+), Vivaldi, AmazonSilk, etc. The Blink kernel is a branch of WebCore component in the WebKit kernel, which is developed on the basis of WebCore and adds some new functions and features.

The WebKit kernel consists of WebCore and JavaScriptCore, in which WebCore is evolved from KHTML, JavaScriptCore is fork from KJS, and KHTML and KJS are developed by the well-known KDE community.

KDE (K DesktopEnvironmnet) is the world’s largest free software development community, developing free and open source software. Founded by Matthias Settrich in 1996, it is well known for its Plasma desktop system, KDE Framework and many cross-platform applications running on Unix-like, Microsoft Windows and Android platforms. The code is hosted primarily on Github at https://github.com/KDE. Most of the software produced by KDE is developed in C++ and contributes greatly to desktop software, especially the browser kernel. Now widely known as the core components of the WebKit kernel is based on KDE KHTML and KJS components evolved.


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