1. Preface: Why can write this article? The reason is simple. The cause is that the BootCDN website was accidentally suspended on February 10, 2022.2.10, leading to the suspension of several projects of the company’s first project team (PS: These projects reference a lot of BootCDN online resources), and then I saw the colleagues of the project team busy, a check, and finally found that the problem was due to the BootCDN resource station hung, but could not timely and efficient remedy (PS: Busy half of the afternoon in the whole network to find a variety of resources, download the various types of resources or can not put the original BootCDN reference resources complete… Finally help them to see, this is a small problem, but around such a big detour).

  1. Therefore, in line with the resource sharing, the mentality of common learning, and everyone (especially the front-end small white and less experienced development) to share together is also their own review familiar with these resource stations. No panicking and running around when BootCDN or any other referenced resource station crashes. After all, professional people do professional things — the right medicine is the highest standard.

  2. Of course, open source project CDN acceleration service station resources are numerous; Here only integrate several relatively stable, fast, free front-end open source project CDN acceleration service resources at home and abroad, for reference and use.

  3. BootCDN: The most well-known front-end open source project CDN acceleration service in China; At present, front-end open source projects almost all cover, support HTTP and HTTPS. Official portal

  1. Staticfile CDN: a free CDN acceleration service provided by Qiuniuyun, which is relatively stable and fast. Official portal

  1. Bytedance static Resources public library: a CDN acceleration service station provided by Bytedance, very good. Byte production, must be a boutique! Official portal

  1. CDN.JS: a Github based CDN library, resources and speed are good. Official portal

  1. All right, we got the best of the best. The above is the whole content of this article, a total of four relatively stable, fast, free front-end open source project CDN acceleration service station for everyone to be familiar with and use. The next time I encounter a resource station that I have cited unexpectedly hangs, I will no longer be afraid and cut another one in seconds to quickly complete the exception repair. (Test sister will praise you oh ~). However, I still suggest that the resources with high utilization rate and key modules should be downloaded and re-referenced locally. After all, although online resources occupy less resources, their reliability is not as good as local resources.

  2. Code word is not easy, but also please each big guy, more than three even. Thank you very much!