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👈 In 2021, have you ever fantasized about having your own “body of Knowledge Document” or “Interview Eight-essay” manual, but have trouble figuring out how to do it?

👉2022, it’s time to put an end to all this conjecture. This article will show you how to build a knowledge document with VuePress.

🚄 preface

In recent days, I want to organize my knowledge system [technology stack] into a document (document in hand, Offer I have), which is convenient for reviewing the accumulated knowledge in the future.

But I didn’t want to build the same blog with Halo, it would be too boring.

🪂 If you don’t already know how to build a web site using a server, check out this article: “Best Practices” how to gracefully build a personal blog site using a server

After comparing several good static site generators on the web, I found VuePress to be the perfect framework for knowledge building!

👑 think about the time to interview one day, rather than from the Internet to pull all kinds of “face by manual”, but also from now on, build a belongs to their own “interview eight-part essay” knowledge system framework.

🎯 VuePress profile

VuePress was created to support the documentation needs of Vue and its subprojects. Don’t you think VuePress and vuue. js are eerily similar?

The pages generated by 🚀VuePress are rendered from the server side, and therefore have very good load performance and search engine optimization (SEO). Meanwhile, once the page is loaded, Vue takes over the static content and turns it into a full one-page application (SPA), with other pages only loaded on demand while the user browses.

🥰 If you are not sure what server-side rendering is, read this article: Understanding Server-side Rendering from top to bottom (SSR)

Also, the VuePress site is a SPA powered by Vue, Vue Router and Webpack, and if you are familiar with Vue, you can even develop a custom theme.

Summarize the advantages of VuePress:

  • Simplicity: Markdown-centric project structure helps you focus on writing with minimal configuration.
  • Vue driver: Enjoy the development experience of Vue + WebPack. You can use Vue components in Markdown and custom themes with Vue.
  • High performance: VuePress pre-renders static HTML for each page and runs as a SPA when each page is loaded.
  • Built-in Markdown extended syntax (more on that below)
  • Multilingual support (locales )
  • Responsive layout
  • PWA mode is supported
  • Powerful Plugin API
  • Git-based last update time (lastUpdated )

👑VuePress configuration process

The installation

VuePress requires Node.js >= 8.6 and NPM/YARN package management tools

(1) Check the Node version first

node -v
Copy the code

(2) After the version is correct, create and enter a new directory

mkdir interview && cd interview
Copy the code

(3) Use the package management tool you are used to initialize

npm init # yarn init
Copy the code

(4) Install VuePress as local dependency

Suggestion on the official website: Do not install VuePress globally

npm install -D vuepress # yarn add -D vuepress
Copy the code

Note: If your existing project relies on WebPack 3.x, we recommend using Yarn (New Window) instead of NPM to install VuePress. Because in this case, NPM generates the wrong dependency tree.

(5) Create the first document

mkdir docs && echo '# Hello VuePress' > docs/README.md
Copy the code

(6) Add the following script configuration to package.json

"scripts": {
  "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs"."docs:build": "vuepress build docs"
Copy the code

(7) Start the server locally

npm run docs:dev # yarn docs:dev
Copy the code

You can then view the document at http://localhost:8080/.

If you encounter garbled characters, don’t worry. Delete readme. md, create a new one and manually type # Hello VuePress.

That’s enough for a simple VuePress installation, but it’s not enough. Let’s do some basic configuration.

Basic configuration (Default topic configuration)

Tip: These basic configurations only apply to the default theme; if you use a custom theme, the options may be different.

The directory structure

VuePress follows the philosophy of “convention over configuration” and recommends the following directory structure:

.├ ── docs │ ├─.vuepress │ ├─ Components │ ├─ Theme │ ├─.vue components in this directory will be automatically registered as Global components │ │ └ ─ ─ Layout. Vue │ │ ├ ─ ─ public (static resource directory) │ │ ├ ─ ─ styles (to hold style related files) │ │ │ ├ ─ ─ but styl │ │ │ └ ─ ─ the palette. Styl │ │ ├ ─ ─ templates (HTML template file storage) │ │ │ ├ ─ ─ dev. HTML │ │ │ └ ─ ─ SSR. HTML │ │ ├ ─ ─ the config, js (configuration file entry) │ │ └ ─ ─ enhanceApp. Js (optional) │ │ │ ├ ─ ─ the README, md (document) home page │ ├ ─ ─ guide (stored article directory) │ │ └ ─ ─ the README. Md │ └ ─ ─ config. The md │ └ ─ ─ package. The jsonCopy the code

For the directory structure above, the default page routing address is as follows:

The relative path of the file Page routing address
/README.md /
/guide/README.md /guide/
/config.md /config.html

Configuring Site Information

Create a.vuepress/ folder under docs and create a config.js file under this folder as the entry file for the configuration file

mkdir .vuepress && cd .vuepress && touch config.js
Copy the code

Configure site information in docs/.vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  title: 'Interview'.description: "Focus on sharing backend" interview essay ", and include solution analysis of algorithm questions: including but not limited to LeetCode, Offer, PTA...",}Copy the code

The site now appears with the title and search bar:

The built-in search bar only builds search indexes for page H1, H2, H3, and tags.

If you need full text search, you need to configure additional plug-ins.

Home page

Add home page information under docs/ readme. md

home: true
heroImage: /images/bk.png
heroText: Interview
tagline: put your bio here
actionText: Quick learning -
actionLink: /zh/guide/
- title: Simple is the highest
  details: In order to Markdown A centered project structure that helps you focus on writing with minimal configuration.
- title: Vue drive
  details: enjoy Vue + webpack The development experience in Markdown The use of Vue Components that can be used at the same time Vue To develop custom themes.
- title: A high performance
  details: VuePress Generate static pre-renders for each page HTML, meanwhile, will be used as the page is loaded SPA Run.
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present Evan You

Copy the code

Note: to bk. PNG image on the docs /. Vuepress/public/images/static resource directory, to make the picture effect, so it is with other static resources.

After adding the home page:

The navigation bar

Add a navigation bar under docs/.vuepress/config.js

// docs/.vuepress.config.js
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    // Whether to enable navigation
    // navbar: false,
    nav: [
      // Jump to the page
      { text: 'reading'.link: '/guide/foreword/' },
      // Nested navigation
        text: 'Java'.items: [{text: 'JavaSE'.items: [{text: '111'.link: '/guide/javase/1/' },
              { text: '222'.link: '/guide/javase/2/'}]}, {text: 'JavaEE'.items: [{text: '111'.link: '/guide/javaee/1/' },
              { text: '222'.link: '/guide/javaee/2/'}}]}, {text: 'Spring'.items: [{text: 'SpringMVC'.link: '/guide/springmvc/' },
          { text: 'SpringBoot'.link: '/guide/springboot/' },
          { text: 'SpringCloud'.link: '/guide/springcloud/'}},],// Redirect external address
      { text: 'Data Structures and Algorithms'.link: 'https://leetcode-cn.com/'},],}}Copy the code

Here are some of the effects of the navigation bar

The sidebar

Add a sidebar in docs/.vuepress/config.js

// docs/.vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    nav: [ xxx ],
    sidebar: 'auto'}}Copy the code

⭐ sidebar: ‘Auto’ automatically generates a sidebar based on the title of the article, as shown below

🚫 But if this is set, the number of articles is limited by the number of links in the navigation bar (that is, each link in the navigation bar corresponds to only one article), which is obviously not the desired result.

🤩 what we want is a sidebar with a navigation bar for a series of articles, and then a sidebar title for each article, so that articles can be added to the site at any time without making the navigation bar clutter-free!

Photo taken from The Kako website

🌈 not only wants to display different sidebars for different page groups, but also wants to divide the sidebar into groups. How to do that? The official website has the answer.

Here’s a practical solution:

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    nav: [{text: 'introduction'.link: '/guide/foreword/' },
        text: 'Data Structures and Algorithms'.items: [{text: 'LeetCode'.link: '/guide/leetcode/read.md' },
          { text: 'the sword refers to Offer'.link: '/ guide/sword refers to offer/' },
          { text: 'PTA'.link: '/guide/pta/'}]}, {text: 'GitHub'.link: 'https://github.com/Wu-yikun'},].// sidebar: 'auto', // do not use the default sidebar
    // Use a custom sidebar
    sidebar: {
      "/guide/leetcode/": getBarLeetCode()

// / Guide /leetcode/ page group sidebar
function getBarLeetCode() {
  return[{title: 'LeetCode column'.collapsable: false.sidebarDepth: 0.children: [
        "read.md"] {},title: 'array'.collapsable: false.sidebarDepth: 0.children: [
        "Array /14. Longest public prefix. Md"."Array /26. Remove duplicates from an ordered array. Md"."Array /27. Remove element. Md"."Array /35. Search for insertion location. Md"."Array / 66. Gal. Md"."Array /88. Merge two ordered arrays. Md"] {},title: 'Dynamic programming'.collapsable: false.sidebarDepth: 0.children: [
        "Dp /118. Yang Hui Triangle. Md"."Dp /119. Yanghui Triangle II. Md"."Dp /121. Best time to buy stocks. Md"]]}}Copy the code

🔎 Internal file directory structure:

🥴 Note: The title of the sidebar is not generated from the filename, but from the H1 title in the file automatically!

More configuration

There are many other basic configurations of VuePress, so I won’t mention them here.

👨 💻 VuePress other configuration reference: vuepress.vuejs.org/zh/theme/de…

Multilingual support

VuePress can also be configured to support multiple languages: portals

🧩 plug-in

Install the Katex plug-in to add formula support

npm install markdown-it-katex -D
Copy the code

Add the plug-in configuration in docs/.vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    nav: [].sidebar: {},},markdown: {
    lineNumbers: true.externalLinks: {
      target: '_blank'
    extendMarkdown: md= > {
        html: true
      md.use(require('markdown-it-katex'}})),head: [['link', {
      rel: 'stylesheet'.href: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/KaTeX/0.7.1/katex.min.css'
    ['link', {
      rel: "stylesheet".href: "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/github-markdown-css/2.10.0/github-markdown.min.css"}}]]Copy the code

🚀 VuePress plug-in library: vuepress.vuejs.org/zh/plugin/

🌅 Markdown expand

Because Vue is a Markdown-centric project structure, all Markdown syntax is supported.

In addition, VuePress has expanded the use of Markdown, similar to GitHub’s GFM extension of Markdown.

🙄 the common ones are not mentioned, let’s talk about the grammar of extension.


Copy the code


Links within the site will be converted to

for SPA navigation. At the same time, readme. md or index.md files in each folder on the site will be automatically compiled to index.html, and the corresponding links will be treated as /.

Internal links

Take the following file structure as an example:

.├ ─ heavy Exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercises, exercisesCopy the code

Suppose you are now in foo/one.md:

[Home] (/) <! -- Jump to root readme.md --> [foo] (/foo/) <! -- Jump to index.html for foo --> [foo heading] (./#heading) <! -- Jump to a specific title location in foo/index.html --> [bar - three] (../bar/three.md) <! -- End with.md --> [bar - four] (. / bar/four. Html# title) <! You can use.html -->Copy the code

Custom container

::: tip this is a warning ::: ::: Warning this is a warning ::: ::: Danger this is a danger warning ::: ::: details this is a detail block, does not work in IE/Edge :::Copy the code

⭐ you can also customize the title in the block

::: Danger STOPCopy the code

😓 The vuepress-plugin-container effect applies only to the default theme. To use the container effect in a user-defined theme, you need to configure the vuepress-plugin-container plug-in

Line highlights in code blocks

```java {3} class Solution { public void hello() { System.out.println("Hello World!" ); }} ` ` `
Copy the code

Configure the line Numbers

You can configure to display line numbers for each code block:

module.exports = {
  markdown: {
    lineNumbers: true}}Copy the code

Yaml Front Matter

VuePress provides support for YAML Front Matter out of the box

title: Blogging Like a Hacker
lang: en-US
Copy the code

This data can be used in the body of the current Markdown, or in any custom or themed component.

🚎 learn more, please click: vuepress.vuejs.org/zh/guide/fr…


The input

:tada: :100:
Copy the code

Output: 🎉 💯

You can find all the emojis in the Emoji library, but I recommend using Window +. It’s easier to call out the emoji library.

Advanced configuration Markdown

VuePress uses Markdown-it to render markdowns, and most of the above extensions are also implemented through custom plug-ins.

To further introduce additional configurations, you can modify the markdown option in.vuepress/config.js:

The markdown-it-Katex plug-in that supports the formula above modiifies the configuration in this way.

module.exports = {
  markdown: {
    // Markdown-it-anchor option
    anchor: { permalink: false },
    // Markdown-it-TOC option
    toc: { includeLevel: [1.2]},extendMarkdown: md= > {
      // Use more markdown-it plugins!
      md.use(require('markdown-it-xxx'))}}}Copy the code

🌍 Deploy GitHub Pages

① Set the correct base in docs/.vuepress/config.js.

  • If you’re going to post tohttps://<USERNAME>.github.io/, this step can be omitted becausebaseThe default is/.
  • 👑 if you plan to post tohttps://<USERNAME>.github.io/<REPO>/That means your warehouse is inhttps://github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPO>), then willbaseSet to"/<REPO>/".

② Create deploy.sh in the project directory

#! /usr/bin/env sh

#Make sure the script throws any errors it encounters
set -e

#Generating static files
npm run docs:build

#Go to the generated folder
cd docs/.vuepress/dist

#If it is published to a custom domain name
# echo 'www.example.com' > CNAME

git init
git add -A
git commit -m 'deploy'

#Note 📢 modify the warehouse address (choose one of the following two)
#If it is posted to https://
# git push -f git@github.com:<USERNAME>/<USERNAME>.github.io.git master

#If posted to https://
       .github. IO /
# git push -f git@github.com:<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git master:gh-pages

cd -
Copy the code

Run the script to deploy to github Pages.

🚀 to be continued

😥 : yesterday, I just built a simple document structure with VuePress. Today, I spent a whole day’s article replicating some specific details of yesterday, which drained my energy for these two days. Although the above content does not fully cover VuePress, but it is not far from the point of view, it can be dealt with!

😄 believe that the screen before you are also eager to try, that quickly practice up pa! But remember one thing: the website is just the carrier, the article is the ontology; No high-quality articles, then gorgeous UI interface design is just a shell!

😝 Because the current “technology stack” is still limited, the content of “Interview Eight-part Essay” has not been contacted, so my site may need about one year to officially launch, I plan to open two sites: “Interview Eight-part Essay” and “Algorithm booklet”.

😉 If you think this article is wrong or need to add anything, feel free to point it out in the comments section.