2020, there are less than 20 days to go. If you had to reflect on your 2020, what would you think of? A sustained trade war, novel Coronavirus? Working from home? Company closure and passive resignation? Or is it a constant IM sound, like Dingding? 2020 is really a magical year. I almost didn’t go back to my hometown at the beginning of the Spring Festival. I couldn’t go anywhere but watch TV series and games at home. No matter what happened to you in the past year, whether good or bad, it will all pass. The New Year is coming.

Technology promotion

Reading a book

This year is also seen a lot of technical books, of course, some before read, look again. For physical books, I have read Javascript you Don’t Know, javascript Ninja Secrets, Advanced Core Knowledge of Front-end Development, advanced javascript Programming (4th Edition), javascript Language Essentials and Programming Practices, React Advanced Way. Of course, some books are unfinished, while others need to be reread for deeper understanding. Working for many years, I still feel that the foundation is very important. Masters are practicing basic skills hard, while novices only practice difficult movements. In addition to these physical books, geek time commuting has eyes to see at ordinary times column, such as dacac teacher the browser working principle and the practice, ai-min zhou teacher “javascript core principle resolution”, wang for the teacher’s “the beauty of the data structure and algorithm” and so on, there is no denying the fact that the above some of the teacher’s course is very good, is worth watching repeatedly, Can learn its essence, of course master excepted!

Watch the video and practice

Where to learn to watch videos? Yes, go to station B. Today, station B has become a place of learning, not just a two-dimensional website as people think. There are a lot of front-end related videos above, but the quality is uneven, so you need to choose carefully. Some of the up videos are ok, I often pay attention to Ono Mori, Snail Laoshi-Da Sheng, there are many other up videos, you can go to B station to watch. As a matter of fact, watching videos is one thing, and the most important thing is to practice by yourself. It is not as good as typing once after watching videos for ten times. In the process of coding, you can find out what you don’t understand and what you need to pay attention to.

Learn by digging for gold

When the work is boring, do not want to coding, dig gold fishing, brush a boiling point, read everyone’s daily jokes, good technical articles, learn from the big guy. As a front end, you need to continue to learn, improve their own strength, a few days, a few months do not learn, really will be the front wave beat dead on the beach. Technology changes with each passing day, is not to learn anything, a few days ago to see the shadow of a live, also mentioned points in the field of special ability and general ability in the field of basic abilities, at ordinary times to put the kung fu in ability training base, general ability in the field of study, but not to study in the field of special ability, just say when you go into a field, Your ability in the field of go in-depth study corresponding to the front end of the lap today, today, tomorrow the framework, the technology, emerge in endlessly, the power of the poor life, I’m afraid I learn not over, but the core of knowledge is essential, as the front end, first of all, you’re a programmer, data structure and algorithm which is you never around but the two mountains, must turn in the past. React and VUE are the main frameworks in China, so you must master at least one of them, otherwise it will be difficult to find a job. Of course, if you are particularly good in other aspects, you won’t be able to find a job. There are big shots everywhere!

In addition, you can write articles in the process of learning, record your growth, technical summary, in case you can help others, it is the best.

Read an occasional book

Take time this year also saw some nontechnical class books, such as writing of lei jun “for those routes”, “entrepreneurial struggle”, “grow up”, “deng xiaoping”, “is the courage to hate”, “the essence of poverty”, “bloody career”, “lifelong growth”, etc., also recommend Mao Xuan, the two books, “distant savior” is definitely worth a read. I haven’t read too much this year. Anyway, I read when I have time, maybe on my way to work or before going to bed. Welcome friends who like reading to communicate with each other!


The body is the capital of the revolution, programmers usually work overtime, some even 996, more need to exercise, pay attention to health, after all, lost health, everything is floating clouds. This year, there is a lot of overtime, so it is even more necessary to exercise. Get up early and run every other day for three to five kilometers. It’s true that exercise releases dopamine that makes you feel better. Recently, due to the winter, I stopped running. I can do activities at home. I will continue running in the spring of next year. From the beginning of the year set running gap is a little big, ah, sure enough the flag is made to be broken!! 😂

Along the way, stumbling, thanks to the leaders, friends and people who helped me, this year is about to pass, the New Year is coming, I hope the epidemic will end as soon as possible, next year life will be better! Being human is never easy. Don’t worry about it. Just play it. Run or fight.

I am like a flag surrounded by emptiness, I feel the wind coming, I must bear, I recognize the storm and am as excited as the sea, I break free from myself, alone in the great storm. — Rilke, Premonition

Want a nuggets periphery, everybody big guy move a small hand, dot praise 👍, be grateful.

Denver annual essay | 2020 technical way with me The campaign is under way…