
In 2018, I wrote an article about a front-end interview review, which was well received.

In 2019, the situation is different. I will summarize this article based on the experience of last year and the observation of this year. If you need an interview, you can refer to it.

Let me start by telling you something about my interview last year.

In July and August of 18 years, I came out for an interview. I interviewed several companies, including: Tencent, Ali, Youzan, Jiufu Securities, Shopee, and I can’t remember what the name is.

In the end, I also gained offers from Alibaba, Shopee and Jiufu. The process of Tencent was too long, so I didn’t continue to meet later.

In fact, you will find more interviews, interviews are in fact regular, there are some skills.

Below I according to my some experience, do a comb, here to share with you.

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Today’s front-end interviews are getting harder and harder.

It may be that the market is approaching saturation, with more and more front end personnel, and the requirements for interviews are constantly improving.

So, if you want to get a good offer, there are some things you should do to prepare for the interview. These include:

  1. resumeTo prepare
  2. Basic knowledge ofTo prepare
  3. Familiar with common interview questions and programming questionsTo prepare
  4. mindsetTo prepare
  5. Talk about offerSome preparation of

Let’s take a look at these preparations one by one, what should be prepared.

1. Resume preparation

It doesn’t have to be amazing, it has to be qualified, it has to meet the basic requirements.

A well-organized resume also improves your chances of getting screened. In order to save space, this section can be poked into another article of mine:

Older drivers teach you to write a qualified technical resume

2. Basic knowledge preparation

I will briefly list some frequently asked questions:

  • CSS
    • The box model
    • Landing, Flex
    • In the office
    • Grid
  • Variable types
    • JS data type classification and judgment
    • Value types and reference types
  • Prototypes and prototype chains
    • Prototypes and prototype chain definitions
    • inheritance
  • Scope and closure
    • Execution context
    • this
    • closure
  • Performance issues
    • Has the performance been optimized
    • How do I locate performance problems
    • How to solve
  • webpack
    • loader
    • plugin
    • Tree Shaking
    • The code segment
    • Packaging optimization Techniques
  • Promise
    • Promise and the implementation of its methods
  • HTTP 1/2
    • What are the disadvantages of HTTP
    • What are the benefits of HTTP2
    • What are the benefits of HTTPS, what are the disadvantages, and why?
    • The difference between TCP and UDP, the best scenario
    • Why is HTTPS secure
    • Explain the encryption process
    • Three handshakes, why three handshakes, why four waves
  • Safety related
    • XSS
    • CSRF
  • Browser Caching Policy
    • Cache header correlation
    • Browser Cookie Related
  • Basic data structures and algorithms
    • Tree,
    • BFS
    • DFS
    • recursive
    • Dynamic programming
  • The framework related(If you do.)
    • 1, the React diff
    • 2. Virtual DOM
    • 3. React controlled and uncontrolled components
    • 4, React old and new life cycle
    • 5. Event transmission
    • 6, the Event loop
  • Some of theDivergence problem
    • Enter the URL into the page to show what's going on
  • The stability ofsecurity
    • Monitoring errorsCollect and analyze
  • projectarchitectureExperience etc.
  • How to design a good onecomponent

The focus is on the basics, the framework, and if it’s on your resume, you’re likely to be asked.

For example, if you use React, you should be very familiar with this set of things. It is not good to only use API, and even if you don’t see what principle analysis, you can also read the analysis articles written by others, and when others ask, you can answer it.

For React series, please refer to the interview series on my official account “Front-end E-advance”. The QR code is below.

3. Familiar with the common interview questions and programming questions

General companies have a technical pen test, but also have a side of white paper to write code.

Here are some real questions from BAT, which were shared by friends in last year’s group, just for reference:

The first set of:


These two sets of pen test questions pay more attention to practical operation, is also a more popular way of interview at present.

The Shopee side also includes a hands-on session, with one or two programming problems.

It’s leetCode Easy, medium level.

Here are a few questions for your reference:

  • Achieve large integer addition
  • To realize the Instance of
  • Implement a Lazyman
  • To realize the bind
  • Realize the debounce, throttle
  • Implement deep clone
  • Implement quick sort, merge sort

In addition, common Leetcode titles, I recommend a set here:

Tencent selected exercises 50

Four. Interview mentality preparation

Interviewing is a two-way street, so don’t doubt yourself.

Calm down and interview with the attitude of equal communication.

Taking it easy during an interview often pays off.

5. Talk about some preparation for the offer

Offer is the last hurdle.

A lot of people think that at this point it’s stable, but it’s not.

There is a living example around me, the previous have passed, soon to take the offer, the results play off, a wave of cool.

The latter question, HR gave the evaluation is: arrogant, not modest.

So, even if it looks like it’s in the bag, hold on and don’t wave.

This step, if it’s normal HR, will ask you:

  • Something in the past, something I’ve done
  • Why did you leave your last job(Balance stability)
  • rightwageThe expectations of the:
    • This step is not false, after all, you have come here, afraid of what. Here,It never hurts to talk about money, note a few points:
      • Don’t rush to bid. You can make a run for it
      • Do not give you a number, you say a number, then do not easily change.
      • Don’t talk about being hit once, and finally less and less confident.
      • Be confident, but not cocky.
      • And don’t overcharge. If you don’t know, goaffectionatelyAsk next. Can be appropriate to add more:
      • One is to leave room for haggling
      • On the other hand, what if HR says yes? ThenA fun.
      • For the negotiated salary, must HR to payMail offerForm to confirm.
      • The ones you got in front of youOffer from broiler companyUse it as a bargaining chip. Don’t throw it away.

Some HR will also ask you what you have learned recently. I happened to have attended Tencent’s TLC technology sharing conference to learn the latest technology trends.

Send a link here, if you need to check it out:…

The last

That’s about it. I hope it helps.

If you think the content is helpful, you can pay attention to my public number “front-end E advanced”, keep abreast of the latest developments, and learn together!