Due to the security mechanism of Ubuntu OS, no third-party application can access another application’s storage. This raises questions, such as what if we want to access the pictures in the Gallery? We can use the ContentHub API provided by Ubuntu OS to access accessible content provided by another application. The prerequisite is that the other application must have a corresponding function to implement the export function. In this article, we’ll show you how to use ContentHub to get images provided by the Gallery. For more information about the ContentHub API, see the link. \


On the desktop system, we must install the following packages:

$ sudo apt-get install content-hub
$ sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-content1
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1) Create a basic QML application

Let’s open the SDK to create a basic QML application. We use the “App with Simple UI” template. And give a name as “contenthub-importer”. Here, we must pay attention to the following:


applicationName: "com.ubuntu.developer.liu-xiao-guo.contenthub-importer"
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The name of the application must be the same as the name of the Package. Otherwise, when we import images into the application, the directory created will be inaccessible due to the different path of the directory. The package name we will generate is:


Com. Ubuntu. Developer. Liu - xiao - guo. Contenthub - importer_0. 1 _all. ClickCopy the code

The import path on the phone will be:



Of course, this is the path we can create when we finally run the application, after we import the image. \


2) Design our interface

Our design interface is as follows:




At the top of the screen is a “ComboButton”. Our design is as follows:


        ListModel {
            id: typemodel
            ListElement { name: "Import single item" }
            ListElement { name: "Import multiple items" }

        ListItem.Empty {
            id: options

            ComboButton {
                id: type
                anchors {
                    left: parent.left
                    margins: units.gu(2)

                dropdownColor: "red"
                width: root.width/2

                expanded: false

                text: "Import single item"
                ListView {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    model: typemodel
                    delegate: ListItem.Standard {
                        text: modelData

                        onClicked: {
                            console.log("item is clicked!" + index + " " + name);
                            type.expanded = false;
                            type.text = text;

                            console.log("type is: " + type.text);

                            if ( name === "Import single item") {
                                activeTransfer = picSourceSingle.request(appStore);
                            } else if ( name === "Import multiple items" ) {
                                activeTransfer = picSourceMulti.request(appStore);

            Button {
                anchors {
                    right: parent.right
                    margins: units.gu(2)
                text: "Finalize import"
                enabled: activeTransfer.state === ContentTransfer.Collected
                onClicked: activeTransfer.finalize()
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We can choose to import one or more images. We also define two ContentPeers. A ContentPeer is a destination that has registered with ContentHub as a data source or has a ContentType definition.


        ContentPeer {
            id: picSourceSingle
            contentType: ContentType.Pictures
            handler: ContentHandler.Source
            selectionType: ContentTransfer.Single

        ContentPeer {
            id: picSourceMulti
            contentType: ContentType.Pictures
            handler: ContentHandler.Source
            selectionType: ContentTransfer.Multiple
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We can also define a “ContentPeerModel” to display all the applications that can provide images.


        // Provides a list<ContentPeer> suitable for use as a model
        ContentPeerModel {
            id: picSources
            // Type of handler: Source, Destination, or Share
            handler: ContentHandler.Source
            // well know content type
            contentType: ContentType.Pictures
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We can use the following ListView to display these applications:


        ListView {
            id: peerList
            anchors {
                left: parent.left
                right: parent.right
                top: options.bottom
            height: childrenRect.height
            model: picSources.peers

            delegate: ListItem.Standard {
                text: modelData.name
                control: Button {
                    text: "Import"
                    onClicked: {
                        // Request the transfer, it needs to be created and dispatched from the hubactiveTransfer = modelData.request(); }}}}Copy the code

We can use the following methods to detect the state in the transfer process:


        Connections {
            target: activeTransfer
            onStateChanged: {
                // console.log("StateChanged: " + activeTransfer.state);
                switch (activeTransfer.state) {
                case ContentTransfer.Created:
                case ContentTransfer.Initiated:
                case ContentTransfer.InProgress:
                case ContentTransfer.Downloading:
                case ContentTransfer.Downloaded:
                case ContentTransfer.Charged:
                case ContentTransfer.Collected:
                case ContentTransfer.Aborted:
                case ContentTransfer.Finalized:
                    console.log("not recognized state!")

                if (activeTransfer.state === ContentTransfer.Charged) {
                    importItems = activeTransfer.items;

                    for ( var i = 0; i < importItems.length; i ++ ) {

                    var item;
                    for ( item in importItems ) {
                        console.log( "imported url: "+ importItems[item].url); }}}Copy the code

In the code above, we show the path to the files saved in the application. Here activeTransfer and importItems are defined as follows:


    property list<ContentItem> importItems
    property var activeTransfer
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We use another ListView to display the photos we imported:


        ListView {
            id: peerList
            anchors {
                left: parent.left
                right: parent.right
                top: options.bottom
            height: childrenRect.height
            model: picSources.peers

            delegate: ListItem.Standard {
                text: modelData.name
                control: Button {
                    text: "Import"
                    onClicked: {
                        // Request the transfer, it needs to be created and dispatched from the hubactiveTransfer = modelData.request(); }}}}Copy the code


The most useful display effect is as follows:




The entire code can be found at the following address:


bzr branch  lp:~liu-xiao-guo/debiantrial/contenthub-importer\

