Old iron remember to forward, Brother Cat will present more Flutter good articles ~~~~

Wechat Flutter research group Ducafecat

The original







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The body of the

Why FlutterGUI?

As part of Flutter2, Flutter has announced that Its network support for Flutter has reached a milestone of stabilization.

Not only does this mean THAT I can finally stop coding HTML and CSS, but I can now have an application that runs on almost any popular platform.

I don’t expect much from a stable version of Flutter Web as I have tried the Beta version and most of the plug-ins don’t have enough support. But back two weeks ago, I was surprised by the number of plugins that support the WEB today.

This prompted me to try something challenging, creating a desktop GRAPHICAL user interface using the Chatter Network as my new portfolio site.

Frankly, the project itself isn’t anything useful, it’s not solving the problem, and it’s probably not my next billion dollar idea. However, this is the best way to discover the advantages and limitations of flutter network use in a network project. To be honest, I think it will take me at least two months to release the first version.

Working on the project for two weeks, for about two hours a night, I finally got something really worth publishing.

Even though I didn’t read any documents or Google things as often as I normally would, I was surprised at how simple and smooth the experience was. The transition from using Flutter mobile development to the web was really easy, and the knowledge I learned about web development on this project didn’t require the use of anything.

Technical overview

  • Project now has eight applications running in it, as you’ve already guessed: it’s all the widgets.

  • Most of the applications are existing chatter plug-ins wrapped inside the common application widget I created.

  • The pier was built from scratch because I couldn’t find an existing pier that could meet my needs.

  • The project has no back-end, and the Flutter Web application is hosted on a Github page.

  • I’m using Firebase analytics to track user interactions and applications.


  • File manager: Adjustable plugins with Flutter_treeView and reorderables. The plug-in

Pub. Dev/packages/fl…

Pub. Dev/packages/re…

  • Video player: Use the video_player plugin. The plug-in

Pub. Dev/packages/vi…

  • Calculator: Use the flutter_simple_calculator simple calculator plugin. The plug-in

Pub. Dev/packages/fl…

  • Photos: Use photo_view to view the plugin. The plug-in

Pub. Dev/packages/ph…

  • Game: Use the Maze Plugin

Pub. Dev/packages/ma…

  • Reader: Use flutter_widget_from_html_core from the HTML core plugin. The plug-in

Pub. Dev/packages/fl…

  • PDF Reader: Use native_pdf_view to view the local PDF plugin. The plug-in

Pub. Dev/packages/na…

  • Painter: Use painter painter plugin

Pub. Dev/packages/pa…

The elder brother of the © cat



The issue of

Open source

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Wechat discussion group Ducafecat

A series of collections

The translation

Ducafecat. Tech/categories /…

The open source project

Ducafecat. Tech/categories /…

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