1. Add the dependency library to pubspec.yaml

Dependencies: fluttie: ^ 0.3.2Copy the code

2. Add the reference library to the file

import 'package:fluttie/fluttie.dart';
Copy the code

3. Call according to API

  1. Load local JSON resources asynchronously using loadAnimationFromAsset or load JSON content directly using loadAnimationFromJson.
void prepareLottie() async {
  var instance = Fluttie();
  var whaleLottie = await instance.loadAnimationFromAsset('images/animation_demo01.json');
Copy the code

  1. Set FluttieAnimationController controller, binding animation resources, basic properties and set the animation;

A. The fixed parameters of prepareAnimation are animation resources, which are indispensable;

B. RepeatCount Can set the frequency of animation repetition; Repeatcount.ntimes (n) repeat n+1 times; Repeatcount.infinite (); Repeatcount.dontrepeat () only once, stop after playing;

C. RepeatMode can set the animation playback mode, START_OVER plays from the beginning again after playing, REVERSE starts from nothing to nothing;

D. Duration Specifies the animation playing duration. Infinite repetition does not take effect. The rest are divided evenly according to the repetition frequency;

E. PreferredSize Indicates the animation preloading size and does not directly control the Widget size.

whaleController = await instance.prepareAnimation(
    repeatCount: const RepeatCount.infinite()
Copy the code

  1. Start animation to prepare the basic elements of animation;
setState(() { whaleController.start(); });
Copy the code

  1. Drawing the animation in the Widget is a preliminary success;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  returnScaffold( body: Center( child: Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: <Widget>[ Container( width: 280.0, height: 200.0, child: FluttieAnimation(whaleController)))])); }Copy the code

5. We can also dynamically monitor the animation state and process it;

A. start() start animation from the beginning;

B. pause() pauses the animation;

C. Unpause () continues the animation from the pause;

D. stopAndReset() stops the animation, rewind is true and ends the animation to the first frame when the animation starts; False is the technical animation and goes to the last frame of the animation;

Row(children: <Widget>[
  Expanded( flex: 1,
      child: FlatButton(
          onPressed: () { starController.start(); },
          child: Text('start'))),
  Expanded( flex: 1,
      child: FlatButton(
          onPressed: () { starController.pause(); },
          child: Text('pause'))),
  Expanded( flex: 1,
      child: FlatButton(
          onPressed: () { starController.unpause(); },
          child: Text('resume'))),
  Expanded( flex: 1,
      child: FlatButton(
          onPressed: () { starController.stopAndReset(rewind: true); },
          child: Text('stop'))))Copy the code

Matters needing attention

1. The dispose () animation

Animation consumes a large amount of application memory. You are advised to destroy the animation when the page is destroyed or closed.

void dispose() { super.dispose(); whaleController? .dispose(); starController? .dispose(); }Copy the code

Dispose () is different from stopAndReset()

StopAndReset () method used to control the animation stop state, resources are still in memory, can continue to operate the animation state;

Dispose () method is used to stop animation and release resources, after which animation state can no longer be manipulated;

class _LottieStatePage extends State<LottieStatePage> {
  FluttieAnimationController whaleController, starController;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    returnScaffold( body: Center( child: Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, children: <Widget>[ Container( width: 280.0, height: 200.0, child: FluttieAnimation(whaleController), Container(child: FluttieAnimation(starController)), Row(children: <Widget>[ Expanded( flex: 1, child: FlatButton( onPressed: () { starController.start(); }, child: Text('start'))),
            flex: 1,
            child: FlatButton(
                onPressed: () {
                child: Text('pause'))),
            flex: 1,
            child: FlatButton(
                onPressed: () {
                child: Text('resume'))),
            flex: 1,
            child: FlatButton(
                onPressed: () {
                  starController.stopAndReset(rewind: false);
                child: Text('stop'))))))); } @override voiddispose() { super.dispose(); whaleController? .dispose(); starController? .dispose(); } @override voidinitState() {

  void prepareLottie() async {
    var instance = Fluttie();
    var whaleLottie =
        await instance.loadAnimationFromAsset('images/animation_demo01.json');
    whaleController = await instance.prepareAnimation(
      repeatCount: const RepeatCount.nTimes(2));

    var starLottie = await instance.loadAnimationFromAsset('images/star.json');
    starController = await instance.prepareAnimation(starLottie,
        repeatCount: const RepeatCount.infinite(),
        repeatMode: RepeatMode.START_OVER);

    setState(() { whaleController.start(); starController.start(); }); }}Copy the code

Lottie animation has greatly reduced our development costs and is in good memory condition, but it is not a substitute for native animation, but it has enriched the diversity of animation development. If there are mistakes, please guide!

Source: author: old monk links: http://www.imooc.com/article/details/id/288545 for class This article first published on mu class network, reprint please indicate the source, thank you for your cooperation