Introduction: This paper mainly discusses the position of RPC framework in microservitization and the problems that need to be solved. At the same time, it introduces the RPC solution of Yonyou Cloud micro-service governance platform, why we choose this solution and what benefits it provides. At the same time, the basic structure of YONyou RPC framework and some key technologies used in the implementation will be introduced. It is hoped that readers can have a glimpse into the principle of Ufida RPC framework and develop better micro-service applications. The importance of RPC in Microservices As more and more companies move to the Internet, the concept of servitization has taken root. RPC framework is undoubtedly an important part of microservices. The basic function of the RPC framework is to invoke remote calls expensively. Calling a local function is simple, passing in arguments and executing logic to get the return value. But implementing a remote call requires a bit more consideration:

2. Four problems to be solved during RPC

1. Determine the information carried in the RPC request
2. The serialization
3. Network communication problems
4. Service discovery
Three common open source RPC schemes
3.Spring Cloud
4. Yonyou Cloud RPC scheme
1. Deficiencies of the open source scheme:
2. Several characteristics of IRIS scheme of RPC call framework of Yonyou Cloud:

3. Programme Summary: