JSX Implementation (ii)
The dom structure is expressed in the form of an array in the previous article. Now we will solve the remaining problems.
Tree polychild implementation
- Multiple subelements
This is mainly because the re is not written properly. We need to search the tag globally, and then decompose the elements after the search is complete
let mulEleRule = / (. *?) (<\w+.*? > (. *?) (<\/\w+>)(.*?) /g // Get multiple child rule elements
let singleRule = / (. *?) (<\w+.*? >)(.*)(<\/\w+>)(.*?) $/; // An element is decomposed
let singlePanchRule = match(/\w*$/) // Add any missing arguments
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Since the last content could not be matched, a singlePanch was added, followed by a data callback that returned an Object
switchJsx(ele) { // Convert the js schema
let that = this
let ruleArr = []
var treeObj = { // The object returned
let getPartEle = ele.match(mulEleRule).length > 1 ? ele.match(mulEleRule) : [ele]// Greater than one indicates multiple child elements
// console.log(getPartEle)
let nodeNameI = 0;/ / the subscript
if (Array.isArray(getPartEle)) {
// console.log(getPartEle)
getPartEle.forEach(element= > {
let singleArr = element.match(singleRule) //
// console.log(singleArr)
let omission = element.match(singlePanchRule)[0] | |' '
singleArr.slice(1).forEach(e= > { // remove the first term
// if (e.match(mulEleRule)) {// determine if it is an element
// treeObj['childrenNode' + nodeNameI] = that.switchJsx(e)
// } else {
switch (nodeNameI) {
case 1:// indicates class and id
treeObj['tag'] = e.match(tagR) && e.match(tagR)[1]
treeObj['classId'] = {
class: e.match(classR) && e.match(classR)[1] | |' '.id: e.match(idR) && e.match(idR)[1] | |' '};break;
if (e.match(mulEleRule)) {// Check if the element is
treeObj['childrenNode' + nodeNameI] = that.switchJsx(e)
} else if (nodeNameI == e.length - 1) {}else {
treeObj['content' + nodeNameI] = e || ' '
// }
// Not an element
// treeObj['node' + nodeNameI] = e || ''
// console.log(treeObj)
treeObj['content' + nodeNameI] = omission // Add the last element})}// console.log(treeObj)
return treeObj
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Observer Monitor data
- Data dynamic listener {{name}}
The re determines the content containing {{name}}
If (e.m atch (/ {{}})/(\ w *))) {/ / be {{}} package Because the value of the package is not the same treeObj [' trends' + e.m atch (/ ({{) (\ w *) (}}) /) [2]] = e}Copy the code
The Observer listens for data, and here I’ve implemented it in a web-based fashion
Let jsxObj = {content0: '', tag: 'div', classId: {class: 'swrap', ID: ''}, childrenNode2: {content0: 'I am ', tag:' SPAN ', classId: '}, childrenNode2: {content0: 'your ', tag:' A ', classId: ' [Object], trendsName: 'big {{name}}', content4: '</span>', content4:' big {{name}}', content5: '</span>', content4: 'oh ', content5: } let jsxObj2 = {content0: 'your ', tag: 'a', classId: [Object], trendsName: 'eldest {{name}}', content4: ', content5: '' } function deepObserve(datas) { if (Array.isArray(datas)) { } if (datas instanceof Object) { for (const key in datas) { if (datas.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const element = datas[key]; if (key.indexOf('trends') ! = -1) { console.log(key) observe(datas, key.slice(6)) } if (key.indexOf('childrenNode') ! = -1) { deepObserve(element) } } } } } function observe(data, name) { // console.log(data, Name / / setTimeout () () = > {/ / data. The name / / data. Name = 'pear'. / / the console log data. The name) / /}, DefineProperty (data, name, {get: function () {console.log(' you got ') return this['trends' + name]}, set: Function (newVal) {console.log(' you changed ') this['trends' + name] = newVal}})} deepObserve(jsxObj) JsxObj. ChildrenNode2. ChildrenNode2. Name = 'li'Copy the code