More than 20 days ago, met a calendar business demand, can dynamically add columns, merge cells, combined with the company’s JSP project’s existing functions to complete the cell add, delete, change operations. After analyzing and sorting out the requirements, I found that the form component of ANTD in React version has powerful functions and can be customized to a high degree, which can help me complete the development of this business requirement.
Due to the need to interact with JSP, so in the implementation process, encountered some problems stepped on a lot of pits, this article with you to share with me from 0 to 1 to achieve this demand process and ideas, welcome you interested developers to read this article.
Environment set up
Since the company’s project was based on JSP, ANTD wanted to use the Vue version, but it clashed with some JSP syntax and could not run, so we tried the REACT version of ANTD. It ran without any compatibility problems and everything was fine. Give React a thumbs up .
Due to interaction with existing functions in the project, scaffolding was not available, so I could only introduce React in the way of CDN, as shown below, and introduce files required by React, AXIos, LOdah and ANTD in sequence.
<script crossOrigin type="text/javascript" src="lib/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script crossOrigin type="text/javascript" src="lib/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/babel.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/antd.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/axios.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/antd.min.css">
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React-antd-schedule /lib: react-antd-schedule/lib
We need to put the react code in the text/ Babel tag, as shown below. Let’s print antd and React to see if they have values.
<script type="text/babel">
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Open the browser console and the following message appears, indicating that our environment has been set up successfully.
Next, let’s write a HelloWord to test the effect.
<div id="root" style="width: 94%; overflow: hidden"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
// Custom hook
const App = () = > {
const onChange = (date, dateString) = > {
console.log(date, dateString);
return (
<div>React+ ANTD successfully introduced<br />
<antd.DatePicker onChange={onChange} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />.document.getElementById("root"));
Copy the code
Execute the code above and open your browser. If you see the following, your environment is ready.
React.xx and ANTD. xx are used to access the CDN’s React and ANTD methods.
Demand analysis
When I received a brief description of the requirements, I sorted it out:
- Contents to be displayed in table columns: date and schedule contents (dynamically returned by the interface). Users can manually add schedule contents.
- The table rows show the data of each day, and the data of each day is divided into three periods: morning, afternoon and evening.
- Schedule content can be divided into two states: day schedule and schedule of a certain period. If it is day schedule, cell merging is required.
- Each cell in the agenda content column has five states and needs to be distinguished in a way that allows the user to see at a glance what state the agenda is in.
- If the content of the agenda content cell is empty, it is necessary to merge the cells and display an add icon. Click the add icon and open the popup window of the system to add the operation. After the operation is completed, render the content to the cell just clicked.
- If the content cell has content, open different pop-ups for modification and deletion according to different states. After the operation, update the result to the corresponding cell.
After the requirement was determined, my boss assigned me a backend. After communication with the backend, the development cycle was estimated for one week. I estimated the time for two days on the page, and the remaining three days were for data docking with the backend.
Two days later, I finished the page and defined the data format for the table. I sent the data format to the back end, and he said, no problem.
Because there is no UI to design, so the first version, I rely on their own intuition to do, do something pretty ugly, the following is my requirements to achieve the page.
Not expected so smoothly, however, after I page, to the last day of the development cycle in the afternoon, the backend interface to me, but returned to the format of the data is not what I expected, I again for secondary processing, page rendering out, quick to go off work time, didn’t finish his demand in the forecast of development time, also can understand, After all, the data on the back end is more complex.
Originally, it was estimated that it would take a week to develop, but with the increasing and changing requirements and UI design renderings, my page code also accumulated from more than 100 lines at the beginning to more than 1000 lines now. This set of twists and turns took more than 20 days until the requirement development was completed and handed over to the test.
Need to implement
Next, I would like to share with you the difficulties, pitfalls and solutions I encountered in implementing this requirement.
The final result is shown as follows. The code is as follows: react-antd-schedule/index.html
Dynamically add column
In this case, we need to add a column of data to the header of the table. At first, I think we just need to add a column of data to the columns and dataSource of antD, as shown below:
const App = () = > {
const [columns, setColumns] = React.useState([]);
const [optRecords, setOptRecords] = React.useState([]);
// Add button function
const btnClick = (e) = > {
let columnsObj = {
dataIndex: 'rcnr' + (index),
title: 'Schedule contents' + index,
align: 'center'.onCell: tdSet,
render: rctd_render,
// add a new column to the table
// Process table data
for (let i = 0; i < optRecords.length; i++) {
let key = "rcnr"+index;
// Add a new column to the table
optRecords[i][key] = {text:"".code:"0"} } setOptRecords(optRecords); }}Copy the code
When I looked at the effect in the browser, it did not work, so I subconsciously opened the browser console to see if there was an error, snap, soon, the new column was rendered, I big E ah, antD does not talk about martial art.
So I tried a few times more, found or not to render, open the miraculous render it the console, a little confused, just turn to the Internet, I just suddenly enlighted, originally antd without listening to reference address change, got the following solutions, with a function to deal with it, let antd listening to reference address change, It will render the data.
const App = () = > {
const [optRecords, setOptRecords] = React.useState([]);
const [columns, setColumns] = React.useState([]);
// Add button function
const btnClick = (e) = > {
if (tableLoadingStatus) {
alert("Table data has not been loaded yet");
return false;
let columnsObj = {
dataIndex: "rcnr" + (columnsIndex),
title: "Schedule content" + columnsIndex,
align: "left".className: "rcnrfontSet".width: 189.5.onCell: tdSet,
render: rctd_render
// add a new column to the table
setColumns((arr= > [...arr, columnsObj]));
// Process table data
setOptRecords((arr) = > = > {
return { ...item, ["rcnr" + columnsIndex]: { wz: columnsIndex - 1}}; })); }; }Copy the code
The effect is shown below:
Table column completion
In the data returned at the back end, if there is no schedule, even the field is not returned directly, which causes the wufa rendering problem caused by the column mismatch between ANTD and table data during rendering. Therefore, I have to go through all the data to work out the maximum column length, and then complete the data with fewer columns. Since the interface needs to transmit the current click column when adding data, the data just completed does not contain the WZ field, so we need to go through the data again and add the WZ field, the code is as follows:
// Table data rendering function
const tableDataRendering = function(res) {
// Get the maximum number of child keys
let maxChildLength = Object.keys(defaultData[0].children[0]).length;
for (let i = 0; i < defaultData.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < defaultData[i].children.length; j++) {
const currentObjLength = Object.keys(defaultData[i].children[j]).length;
if(currentObjLength > maxChildLength) { maxChildLength = currentObjLength; }}}// Complete the missing nodes
for (let i = 0; i < defaultData.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < defaultData[i].children.length; j++) {
const currentObjLength = Object.keys(defaultData[i].children[j]).length;
// The length of the current node is less than the length of the first child node
for (let k = currentObjLength; k < maxChildLength; k++) {
defaultData[i].children[j]["rcnr"+ k] = {}; }}}// Add the position field if there is an empty object
for (let i = 0; i < defaultData.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < defaultData[i].children.length; j++) {
// Get the time period object for each day
const item = defaultData[i].children[j];
// Get all keys
const keys = Object.keys(item);
// Extract all the calendar fields
for (let k = 1; k < keys.length; k++) {
// Add wZ field when schedule is empty
if (Object.keys(item[keys[k]]).length <= 1) {
defaultData[i].children[j][keys[k]].wz = k - 1;
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The listener child window closes
But click finish after the operation of the corresponding cell, pop-up window closed, at this point we need to listen to the child window in current page closed, then request to interface to get the data to the background rendering the page, in the open of the window provides a method, you can call the parent page, but this method must be written on the outside of the hooks before he can get.
If it is written outside of hooks, it is not possible to get the data inside the antD table to re-render the page. After some thinking, it is possible to do this by Proxy. When the object is changed, the Proxy function in hooks is triggered.
<script type="text/babel">
// Declare proxy variables
let pageStateEngineer;
// The object to be proxied
let pageState = { status: false };
// This method is called when the popover page closes, triggering a page refresh
const getSubpageData = (status) = > {
console.log("Child page closed");
pageStateEngineer.status = true;
const App = () = > {
// Proxy handlers
const pageStateHandler = {
set: function(recObj, key, value) {
// Table state changed to loading
// Rerequest the interface to get the latest data'', {
}).then(function(res) {
// Data request successful, change table load layer state
if (res.status === 200) {
// Execute the table data rendering function
} else {
alert("Server error"); }});// Modify object properties
recObj[key] = value;
return true; }};// Create proxy after successful excuse call on first render
React.useEffect(() = > {
// Call the interface to get table data'', {
ls: 0.ts: 0
}).then(function(res) {
// Create a proxy that listens for pageState object changes and pageStateHandler handles the changes
pageStateEngineer = new Proxy(pageState, pageStateHandler); }}})</script>
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Rerender the table
When the user is using the calendar, he will delete an agenda, at this time, the table rendering function will delete a data from the columns and dataSource. At first, I directly overwrite the data, so that the reference address does not change, which causes the bug of dynamically adding columns, antD can not detect the reference address change and does not refresh the page. But I don’t know which data the user deleted, so I can’t write my own function to deal with it.
After asking for help, three solutions emerged:
- Immer was used to solve this problem, but it was still not implemented after some trouble. The array it returned was read-only, and ANTD could not operate on the data, so it was abandoned.
- Use-immer was used to replace useState of React to solve this problem, which was quite embarrassing. Umd JS library was officially provided, but after it was introduced through CDN, I simply couldn’t find out which object it exposed, so I gave up.
- Using Lodash’s cloneDeep method to make a deep copy that changes the reference address, ANTD can listen for data changes and trigger a page refresh.
After three solutions were verified, only the third was feasible, so I took it and implemented the code as follows:
const App = () = > {
// Table column format definition
const defaultColumns = [
dataIndex: "rq".title: "Date".align: "center".fixed: "left".colSpan: 2.width: 140.5.className: "rqfontSet".onCell: dateHandle,
render: (value, item, index) = >{}}, {dataIndex: "sjd".title: "Time period".width: 70.colSpan: 0.fixed: "left".align: "center".className: "sjdfontSet".render: (value, item, index) = > {
let v1 = value.charAt(0);
let v2 = value.charAt(1);
return <div>{v1}<br />{v2}</div>; }}];// Table data rendering function
const tableDataRendering = function(res) {
RcList contains SJD, so we need to start with 1
for (let i = 1; i < rcList.length; i++) {
let rcnr = {
dataIndex: rcList[i],
title: "Schedule content" + i,
align: "left".width: 189.5.className: "rcnrfontSet".onCell: tdSet,
render: rctd_render
// Render table data
// Render table columns, use cloneDeep for deep copy, trigger useState update
// Count the number of columns to merge
const handleData = (data) = > {
if (data == null) {
data = defaultData;
let newArr = []; > {
if (item.children) {
item.children.forEach((subItem, i) = > {
letobj = { ... item };Object.assign(obj, subItem);
deleteobj.children; obj.rowLength = item.children.length; newArr.push(obj); }); }});// console.log(" Processed table data ");
// console.log(newArr);
// Put the processed data into optRecords and use cloneDeep for a deep copy to trigger an update to useState
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Another solution is to use json.parse for deep copy, but there is a problem with this deep copy: when there are functions in the JSON data, the functions will fail and cannot be executed. Since I need to customize the ANTD table, I cannot use this method because there are functions in the JSON data.
Top/bottom loading data
Due to business needs, the paging function of ANTD cannot be used. It needs to load 30 pieces of data forward at the top and 30 pieces of data backward at the bottom. Only three months of data can be loaded in total.
The implementation code is as follows:
<script type="text/babel">
// Start number of peak data
let dataToppingStartNum = 0;
// Start number of data hits bottom
let dataBottomOutStartNum = 30;
// Horizontal/vertical scroll bar start position
let levelPosition;
let verticalPosition;
// Hit the bottom/hit the top number
let topFrequency = 0;
let bottomFrequency = 0;
const App = () = > {
// Horizontal scroll bar position
levelPosition = document.querySelector(".ant-table-body").scrollLeft;
// Vertical scroll bar position
verticalPosition = document.querySelector(".ant-table-body").scrollTop;
// Get the table container
let antdTable = document.querySelector(".ant-table-body");
// page scroll listener
antdTable.onscroll = function() {
// Load data backwards from the bottom
if (antdTable.scrollTop + antdTable.clientHeight >= antdTable.scrollHeight) {
// Determine whether to scroll horizontally
if(antdTable.scrollLeft ! == levelPosition) {// Update the location
levelPosition = antdTable.scrollLeft;
return false;
// The first time the bottom is hit does not trigger data loading
if (bottomFrequency === 0) {
return false;
if (bottomFrequency > 0) {
bottomFrequency = 0;
dataBottomOutStartNum += 30;
// Determine the loaded data
if (dataBottomOutStartNum > 90) {
alert("Only 90 days of data can be loaded backwards.");
return false;
// Keep the number of days to slide up
let bottomTS = 0;
// Slide up the page for the first time to change the position
if(dataToppingStartNum ! = =0) {
bottomTS = -30;
setTableLoadingStatus(true);'', {
ts: bottomTS,
ls: dataBottomOutStartNum
}).then(function(res) {
// Data request successful, change table load layer state
if (res.status === 200) {
// Execute the table data rendering function
} else {
alert("Server error"); }}); }// Hit the top to load data forward
if (antdTable.scrollTop === 0) {
// Determine whether to scroll horizontally
if(antdTable.scrollLeft ! == levelPosition) {// Update the location
levelPosition = antdTable.scrollLeft;
return false;
// The first time the top is touched does not trigger data loading
if (topFrequency === 0) {
return false;
if (topFrequency > 0) {
topFrequency = 0;
dataBottomOutStartNum += 30;
if (dataBottomOutStartNum > 90) {
alert("You can only load data up to 90 days forward.");
return false;
dataToppingStartNum -= 30;
setTableLoadingStatus(true);'', {
ts: dataToppingStartNum,
ls: dataBottomOutStartNum
}).then(function(res) {
// Data request successful, change table load layer state
if (res.status === 200) {
// Execute the table data rendering function
} else {
alert("Server error"); }}); }}}</script>
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The catch here is that dragging the horizontal scroll will also trigger scroll listening if the top/bottom is touched, so we need to exclude the horizontal scroll event.
Write in the last
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- This article was first published in nuggets. Reprint is prohibited without permission