Babel plug-in

This article mainly has the following contents

  • Why implement a plug-in
  • The knowledge required to implement plug-ins
  • How to do that
  • It may be needed in the business

Why implement a plug-in

Want to know more

The knowledge required to implement plug-ins

  • A little bit ofASTknowledge
    1. AST basic explanation and parameters
    2. AST online compilation tool
  • A little bit of compilation principles and how Babel builds
    • Compilation principle
    • Babel and AST documents
  • A little English reading ability @babel/types. The development process needs to use the type of Babel, need to understand its type and use method

How to do that

Here we simply implement a Babel with an optional chain of operations

  • Create an empty folder
  • npm install –save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli
  • .gitignore .babelrc.json
    • .gitignore node_modules
    • .babelrc.json
        "plugins": [
              "./plugins/optional-chaining-plugin" // We develop plug-in locations]}Copy the code
  • src/index.js
      // What to compile
      function demo(foo) {
        returnfoo? .bar; }Copy the code
  • Plugins /optional-chaining- plugins/optional-chaining-plugin

Writing transformation rules

  1. Learn what Babel does
    • Babel is designed to convert older VERSIONS of JS or non-JS or JSON files into JS for browsers to recognize and run
  2. Babel’s conversion process
  • The conversion process

    1. Resolution (parse)
    • Receive the code and convert to an AST structure
      • Two steps
        1. Lexical analysis
        • The lexical phase transforms the string form code toTokens

          You can think of tokens as a flat array of syntax fragments:
          n * n
          Copy the code
          [{type: {... },value: "n".start: 0.end: 1.loc: {... }}, {type: {... },value: "*".start: 2.end: 3.loc: {... }}, {type: {... },value: "n".start: 4.end: 5.loc: {... }},... ]Copy the code

          eachtypeThere is a set of attributes to describe the token:

              type: {
                label: 'name'.keyword: undefined.beforeExpr: false.startsExpr: true.rightAssociative: false.isLoop: false.isAssign: false.prefix: false.postfix: false.binop: null.updateContext: null},... }Copy the code

          Like AST nodes, they also have themstart.end.locProperties. .

        1. Syntax analysis
        • The parsing phase converts a token flow into the AST form. This phase uses the information in the tokens to transform them into an AST representation structure that makes subsequent operations easier.
    1. Translation (transform)
    • Add, update, and remove the generated AST structure
    1. Generate (generator)
    • Converts the transformed AST into string code, and creates a source map.
  1. What kind of online Babel conversion is compatible with the content to be compiled into the browser
  • The original writing
  function demo(foo) {
    returnfoo? .bar; }Copy the code
  • Browser compatibility
  function demo(foo){
    return foo == null ? void 0 :
Copy the code
  1. View the AST structure of old and new code
  • Visit
  • Start coding the Babel Plugin component template
      module.exports = function (babel) {
        const {
          types: t,
        } = babel
        return {
          name: 'my-plugin'.visitor: {
            // expression expression}}}Copy the code
  • Since we’re dealing with optional operators here, let’s look it upDocument @ Babel/types, the alternative operation isoptionalMemberExpression.
  module.exports = function (babel) {
    const {
      types: t,
    } = babel
    return {
      name: 'my-plugin'.visitor: {
        // expression expression
        optionalMemberExpression(path) {
          const {object, property} = path.node

          // Path is the node currently traversed. This node is the one that hits the optional operator, foo? Bar, we need to replace this node
            // Foo == null? Void 0:
            // Each expression must be created. Babel's built-in types already encapsulates all expressions for us to call directly
            // First is the ternary operator XXX? xxx : XXX, went to the document for the ternary operator expression tc onditionalExpression (test, consequent, alternate)
            // three entries, test keys alternate. If you don't know what it is, it's okay. Put this code foo == null? Void 0: is translated into ast. You'll see what you want under asttree on the right, including Test Consequent Alternate.
            t.ConditionalExpression( // Construct the ternary operator

              // Construct the ternary operator to say hello to the left
              t.BinaryExpression( // 
                '= =',
                t.identifier(, //
                t.nullLiteral(), //

              // The ternary operator left of the colon
              t.UnaryExpression( //
                t.numericLiteral(0) //
              // The ternary operator to the right of the colon
              t.MemberExpression( // // 
Copy the code

T. sequence Expression Ast effect

Optimization, actually we can usebabelthetemplateSo let’s optimize the way we write it@babel/template

    t.numericLiteral(0)),/ / change for
  template.expression('void 0') (the),Copy the code
  1. Do it, and then do ityarn start "start": "babel src/ -d dist/". The compiled code appears in Dist

Scenarios used in the business

We haven’t found….. yet I look forward to your supplement

Advanced knowledge of required plug-ins

  • Visitor pattern
  • A deeper understanding of compilation principles
  • Data structures and algorithms

This article refer to

  • Beginner’s Guide to Babel plug-in development
  • Babel for ES6? And Beyond!
  • Manual of the Babel plug-in
  • Walk you through the AST abstract syntax tree
  • Why know AST
  • Babylon-A Primer – Code Update & Remove