The original zhihu

  1. The so-called immersed

Immersion is the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction in the context of the current goal (created by the designer) and forgetting the context of the real world.

  1. Flow theory

  1. Content for an immersive experience

    • Sensory experience: 6 senses of pleasure
    • Cognitive experience: Matching skills and challenges (cognitive gain, experience gain)
  2. Immersion condition

    • The target is clear
    • Immediate feedback
    • Abilities match challenges
  3. Immersive experience content

    • User action and perception fusion
    • Absolute concentration
    • Have a sense of control over activities
  4. Result of experience

    • Lose your sense of self
    • Get the illusion of time
    • Experience as goal (the explicit goal that causes flow becomes the ability to experience it)
  5. Principles of Design

    • Narrative design: Tell a story
    • Rule of least Effort: Reduce cognitive resistance and action resistance (reverse goal lowering, delay gratification)

Ps. Resources – Harrison, Flow theory