As a world-renowned short video social application, TikTok is not only popular in China, but also developed tikTok (International version), which rapidly occupies half of the Market in Europe and The United States, second only to the download usage of Facebook. According to the analysis of professionals, the value of The international version of TikTok will reach one trillion RMB in the future.
As Douyin international edition is very popular overseas, some people are also reaching out to ban douyin international edition and purchase it, which also makes many American enterprises rubbing their hands and showing great interest. Anyone can see that this is a sure business.

** Now more and more people want to develop a short video imitating Douyin ****APP**
, then copy
Where is the key to douyin short video system source code?
There are many difficulties in the development of short video app, such as cloud storage, cloud processing, CDN, yellow detection and monitoring, etc. It also involves the development of beauty, filter, dynamic stickers, timing shooting, video clips and other functions. But the soul of it is his short video content recommendation mechanism.

Douyin’s algorithm is attractive because its traffic distribution is decentralized. For example, on an official account, if you don’t have followers, your content won’t be read. But douyin is different. For all Douyin users, any video you shoot, no matter whether it is of good quality or not, will be played from dozens to thousands of times after it is released.

This is called the flow pool, and Douyin will allocate a flow pool to each artist according to the algorithm. Then, depending on how well you perform in the pool, Douyin decides whether to push your work to more people, or to call it a day. The key point that really decides whether our video can be popular is the playback rate and the completion rate.

** Imitation Douyin short video system source code, content feedback mechanism is what. **
So if you post a video, and he randomly shares it with 100 people, and 60 of those 100 people like and retweet it for you, then he’ll tweet another 1,000, and 70 of those 100 people like and retweet it, or he’ll tweet another 10,000 and so on, 100,000, 1000000000, etc.
In round after round of tests, to determine whether your work is good, popular videos can be popular.
So what are the criteria for good video data feedback?
From the past experience, the likes rate is above 0.3%, that is, 1000 players have more than 30 likes. The completion rate is more than 60%
, videos with different likes rate and forwarding rate have great floating elasticity, and the feedback effect of videos is affected as follows: completion rate > like rate > comment rate > forwarding rate > attention rate. Of course, the larger the pool, the higher the feedback standard. And when it reaches a certain level of recommendation, it will intervene in manual review to judge whether the video is valuable and popular. Generally, the video with more than 30 million views is considered as a popular video.
The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now. Our daily life has been gradually infiltrated by the live broadcast industry, and more and more industry groups have flocked to the Internet live broadcast industry. If you want to
Build a copy of Douyin short video system source code,Time and opportunity fleeting, after all, or to rely on their own grasp.