• To send messages, there is a trigger interface for sending messages, usually an input box, and related buttons

There is a list of display messages

  • NIMKit is very well designed

Protocol – oriented, easy to replace structure

This article focuses on displaying messages

IM customization, the general understanding is

Custom message, divided into data and interface, two parts

  • Customize the data structure of the message
/ / a custom message parsing NIMCustomObject. RegisterCustomDecoder (IMMsgDecoder ())Copy the code
  • Customize the interface for messages

So what we see in the chat log is just a list of messages, UITableView

// Layout manager nimkit.shared ().registerLayoutConfig(IMCellLayoutConfig())Copy the code

Scene, chat session interface, need a set of IM interface

In the voice room, the half-screen chat interface needs a different style of IM interface

In other words, there are two IM chat interfaces in the same app

Idea 1: Simple, change the configuration

This is the default way to register

// Layout manager nimkit.shared ().registerLayoutConfig(IMCellLayoutConfig())Copy the code

In the new Chat style interface,

If it appears, change to a new configuration,

If no, restore the original configuration

class SessionChatVC: NIMSessionViewController{

    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {




    override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {



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The effect is to change the text color of the text message

Class IMCellLayoutConfigDjz: NIMCellLayoutConfig{contentView Override func cellContent(_ model: NIMMessageModel!) -> String! { guard model.message.messageType ! =.text else {// Look at this line, Enough return NSStringFromClass (NIMSessionTextContentViewDJZ. Self)} guard model. The message. The messageType = =. The custom, let customAttachment = model.message.messageObject as? NIMCustomObject, let attachment = customAttachment.attachment else { return super.cellContent(model) } if attachment.isKind(of: IMGiftsAttachment.self) { return NSStringFromClass(IMGiftContentView.self) }else if attachment.isKind(of: IMGifImageAttachment.self) { return NSStringFromClass(IMGifImageContentView.self) } else{ return NSStringFromClass(IMChatUpContentView.self) } } }Copy the code

NIMSessionTextContentViewDJZ other with NIMKit own NIMSessionTextContentView, same

@implementation NIMSessionTextContentViewDJZ - (void)refresh:(NIMMessageModel *)data { [super refresh:data]; / / message decoding the default: self. Model. The message. The text nsstrings * text = [IMMessageTool imMessageTextBase64Decoded: self. Model. The message]; NIMKitSetting *setting = [[NIMKit sharedKit].config setting:data.message]; Self.textlabel.textcolor = uicolor.redcolor; self.textLabel.textColor = uicolor.redcolor; // self.textLabel.textColor = setting.textColor; self.textLabel.font = setting.font; [self.textLabel nim_setText:text]; [self.bubbleImageView setHidden: true]; } @endCopy the code

Idea 2: More complex, more source code involved

Create a subclass of the chat interface, NIMSessionViewController

@interface NIMDjzSessionViewCtrl: NIMSessionViewController

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Simply change the background color of the chat screen to cell background color

Chat interface, style A, background color AA

@implementation NIMSessionViewController

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated


    [super viewWillAppear:animated];

    [[[NIMKit sharedKit] config] setCellBackgroundColor: NIMKit_UIColorFromRGB(0xf5f5f5)];



Copy the code

Voice room chat interface, style Z, background color ZZ

@implementation NIMDjzSessionViewCtrl

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{

    [super viewWillAppear: animated];

    [[[NIMKit sharedKit] config] setCellBackgroundColor: bgColor];



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Modify the background color of TableView and root view

Voice room chat interface

@implementation NIMDjzSessionViewCtrl

- (void)setupTableView{

    self.view.backgroundColor = bgColor;

    self.tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 52, 375, 233) style:UITableViewStylePlain];

    self.tableView.backgroundColor = bgColor;
    // ...    


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Remove background bubbles from the chat screen in the voice room

Use NIMAdvancedMessageCellDjz, not NIMAdvancedMessageCell

The difference between the NIMAdvancedMessageCellDjz and NIMAdvancedMessageCell, lies in

@ implementation NIMAdvancedMessageCellDjz - (void) refreshBubblesBackgroundView {/ / hide bubble [self. BubblesBackgroundView setHidden: YES]; } @endCopy the code

If I go up,

In order to use NIMAdvancedMessageCellDjz,

You need to use NIMMessageCellFactoryDeng

@implementation NIMMessageCellFactoryDeng - (NIMMessageCell *)cellInTable:(UITableView*)tableView forMessageMode:(NIMMessageModel *)model { id<NIMCellLayoutConfig> layoutConfig = [[NIMKit sharedKit] layoutConfig]; NSString *identity = [layoutConfig cellContent:model]; NIMMessageCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identity]; if (! Cell) {/ / note that this line of nsstrings * CLZ = @ "NIMAdvancedMessageCellDjz"; [tableView registerClass:NSClassFromString(clz) forCellReuseIdentifier:identity]; cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:identity]; } return (NIMMessageCell *)cell; } @endCopy the code

NIMMessageCellFactoryDeng similar to NIMMessageCellFactory

Style, as above

And if I keep going,

In order to use NIMMessageCellFactoryDeng,

You need to use NIMSessionTableAdapterDeng

@interface NIMSessionTableAdapterDeng()

@property (nonatomic,strong) NIM_djz_MessageCellFactory *cellFactory;


@implementation NIMSessionTableAdapterDeng

- (instancetype)init


    self = [super init];

    if (self) {

        _cellFactory = [[NIMMessageCellFactoryDeng alloc] init];


    return self;


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NIMSessionTableAdapterDeng similar to NIMSessionTableAdapter

And if I keep going,

In order to use NIMSessionTableAdapterDeng,

The NIMSessionConfigurator source code needs to be adjusted

Add attributes

@interface NIMSessionConfigurator()

@property (nonatomic,strong) NIM_djz_SessionTableAdapter     *tableAdapterDeng;

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Add methods

@implementation NIMSessionConfigurator - (void)setupDeng:(NIMSessionViewController *)vc{ With the setup method _tableAdapterDeng = [[NIMSessionTableAdapterDeng alloc] init]; _tableAdapterDeng.interactor = _interactor; _tableAdapterDeng.delegate = vc; vc.tableView.delegate = _tableAdapterDeng; vc.tableView.dataSource = _tableAdapterDeng; [vc setInteractor:_interactor]; } @endCopy the code

If I go up,

In the end,

Voice room half-screen chat interface, style Z

Call setupDeng and get through

@implementation NIMAdvancedMessageCellDjz - (void)setupConfigurator{ self.configurator = [[NIMSessionConfigurator alloc]  init]; [self.configurator setupDeng:self]; BOOL needProximityMonitor = [self needProximityMonitor]; [[NIMSDK sharedSDK].mediaManager setNeedProximityMonitor:needProximityMonitor]; } @endCopy the code
NIMKit isn’t that hard, it just has a lot of features,

In order to decouple, the call goes around and around

It’s been combed backwards

Let’s go through it one more time

And we see that in the chat view,

There is a tableView

@interface NIMSessionViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong)  UITableView *tableView;


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Configuration code in chat view

@implementation NIMSessionViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // The session-dependent logic configurator is installed [self setupConfigurator]; } - (void)setupConfigurator { _configurator = [[NIMSessionConfigurator alloc] init]; [_configurator setup:self]; } @endCopy the code

NIMSessionConfigurator inside,

Set the dataSource of the TableView list of NIMSessionViewController in the chat session interface

@implementation NIMSessionConfigurator

- (void)setup:(NIMSessionViewController *)vc


    vc.tableView.delegate = _tableAdapter;

    vc.tableView.dataSource = _tableAdapter;


Copy the code
The lines of chat we see are, of course, dataSource

Like this. The two sides are open