First: How to write a resume?

First of all, the information must be complete, such as basic information, job intention, work experience/project experience, personal skills these big resume sections must have. Then, keep your resume simple and concise. That is, we are required to summarize their own and post matching at the same time, but also to fully show their advantages.

Here’s how to prepare a resume that will make you stand out from the crowd of Java programmers.

1. Basic information

This is the simplest section of your resume, you just need to be truthful and thorough. The details should include name, age, gender and educational background.

Important: Be sure to provide truthful information, especially educational background.

It is Internet times, should not somebody still harbor fluke psychology, false record of formal schooling! You should know that such behavior once discovered, not only the interview job security, but also the company will be blacklisted.

2. Job Intention

This section is not difficult to write, but you need to do a detailed understanding of the position before the interview. Also, think about how you fit into the position. You should know that the interviewer’s core investigation point, lies in the interviewer in the end can be competent for the job.

Of course, you can also write a little about your current interest, what kind of company you want to find what kind of job opportunity, and why you are applying for the current position.

3. Work Experience/project experience

The significance of the project experience is that, in addition to the fact that everyone has a very similar work experience, the project experience gives the candidates who are really good performers a great opportunity to express themselves.

Interviewers not only want to know if you can write Java, they also want to know:

How did you write it?

2. On what platform?

What kind of projects have you worked on?

4. For which company? What size?

5. What is the final audience?

6. What was your role in the project?

7. A participant, an organizer or a person in charge?

8. Responsible for communication of customer needs in the early stage or project delivery in the later stage?

9. What results were achieved?

10. What do customers say about you?

11. Have you completed a project ahead of schedule?

12. What was your experience from this project?

13. Can you accumulate certain industry resources?

This is just the information an interviewer can analyze from a project. In addition, it is better to arrange project experience in chronological order from near to far, to reflect the matching degree of target positions, highlight the difficulty and value of their own projects, and their role in the project. This will further help the interviewer judge the candidate’s ability and position on the team.

4. Personal Skills

I know Java, JavaScript and Python, and I can write several pages. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s best to focus on your core skills,

For example: “I have 8 years of Java development experience and am good at Java concurrency or Java security.”

However, it should be noted that when we highlight the highlights, we should not be too grandiose, because sometimes when we find a resume has too many words such as “proficient” and “deep mastery”, the first feeling is doubt, rather than think this person is very good, so we should properly grasp the degree, facts are the basis.

The above resume template and writing ideas are free to share with fans

Number two: How to find job channels efficiently?

Recruitment form is generally divided into two categories, school recruitment and social recruitment.

As the name implies, school recruitment is the campus recruitment organized by schools when college students graduate. At this time, various enterprises come to school to carry out recruitment mainly for fresh graduates. Social recruitment refers to social recruitment, such as some job fairs organized by governments and institutions, and some recruitment conducted by enterprises through intermediaries are social recruitment, mainly for people with certain work experience.

Let’s talk about school enrollment first

The school recruit

There are two recruitment events in a year, one is spring recruitment and the other is autumn recruitment, which is mainly for students who are about to graduate. Juniors and seniors can find an internship through the college recruitment, and then formally work after graduation. Senior students can also work directly after graduation.

However, for programmers, having several project experiences is very important in getting hired.

In particular, it should be noted that in addition to attending the school recruitment of this school, college students can also attend the school recruitment of other schools, generally there is no limit to this. Only XXX school students unless individual enterprises explicitly require. If your school is not very good, it is suggested that you should attend the school recruitment of some key schools around you, because in this way, you can find a better enterprise. I went to other schools to participate in the school admission to get the offer, ha ha ~

Club recruit

After that, let’s talk about social recruitment. There are many ways to find a job through social recruitment, especially for programmers. There are many avenues for finding jobs, but not all of them are good or right for you.

Here are some of the job search channels, in order of how recommended I think they are.


If you’re interested in a company and have friends, classmates, or former colleagues at the company you’re interested in, it’s a good idea to ask them to push inside. And the enterprise often also likes the person who pushes in very much, because has the enterprise internal person endorsement, generally will not be very bad. Of course, as a job seeker, you don’t want to cheat your endorser. Ha ha ~

Direct investment

Through some social means, such as microblog and wechat public account, I find technical directors of some enterprises, and then ask them whether they recruit people and whether they can recommend resumes. Most of the technical directors are very nice. There is to go to some direct cast site to put resume, such as: BOSS direct cast, but this way I have not tried not sure good.

The company’s official website

You can go to the company’s official website, find the HR email, and directly submit your resume. This approach is more suitable for people who have a more specific target business.

The tech community’s Help wanted page

For example: ChinaUnix, Oschina, ThinkPHP, front-end stew and so on.

Recruitment website

Post resumes on various recruitment websites, such as: internal push, pull,, zhaopin, etc. Companies that buy the service have the right to retrieve your resume and contact you for an interview if they find it a good fit. But it can be a struggle to apply for a job through this channel, sending out lots of resumes and getting no response.

When applying for a job through this channel, it is recommended to use a separate calling card, which will be used once the application is successful. Otherwise, be prepared to be bombarded with unwanted phone calls, text messages, and even scam calls. When I graduate, also tried this kind of channel job search, but really received a lot of fraud phone, fortunately did not fall for it. Ha ha ~

Job fair

Job fairs are usually offline job fairs organized by local government agencies and intermediary structures. I have attended offline job fairs with companies as an interviewer. My general impression is that employers are generally not very good and applicants are not of high quality. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to attend this kind of job fair, unless there is your target company.

As a final note, even if you’re not looking for another job, you can give it a shot and go to interviews from time to time. In this way, I can understand the market situation and check out my shortcomings so that I can improve and grow better.

Third: interview preparation and summary

Preparation for interview (Resume)

Keep your resume template simple and clear, and don’t have too many bells and whistles. Highlight your strengths.

2. Your resume should be divided into the following sections: personal introduction, education, objective, development skills (be careful not to dig holes in yourself, mastery usually means you know everything in that direction), work experience, project experience, self-evaluation.

3. Bonus points: School honors, achievements at work, own blog, GitHub experience.

4. Pay attention to point: the salary is best not to write dead, the best discussion, because the interview situation may have good or bad, the good can be more, the bad can be less.

Details can be put together to see which good resume ideas;

Preparation for an Interview

1. First of all, prepare the content of self-introduction, simple and clear. Give the interviewer a sense of who you are.

2. Preparation of development skills description. You need to review what you write, have a comprehensive understanding of what you write, and don’t write what you don’t know.

3. Preparation of project experience: Since it may have been a long time since our last company’s project, we still need to recall, sort out our thoughts, and be able to speak fluently about how the module you are in charge of is done and what technology is used. What problems have you encountered? How to solve.

4. Self-evaluation Write positive evaluations that are sincere and supportive. Don’t write about weaknesses. Don’t write too much, either. Two or three.

Interview Preparation 2 (Mindset)

1. You’re going to meet all kinds of people when you go out for an interview, so keep your attitude right. Is the so-called not to material joy, not to their own sorrow. When faced with setbacks, we can sum up our experience, be asked something unfamiliar, go back and have a good look, next time it will be.

If the interviewer doesn’t respect you, don’t try to force him or her to be a fake. If the interviewer doesn’t respect you, go back to the company. You don’t have to go back to the company, but you can’t lose your dignity.

3. Don’t give up on applying and continuing your job search when you hit a few offers. Be persistent. Looking for a job is not easy, but as long as you insist and constantly improve their experience, it is certainly no problem.

Interview Summary (Presentation)

Some people may feel like they don’t speak well. They go into an interview knowing they do, but when the interviewer asks, they get nervous and forget everything. So what do you do? In fact, there is only one way, that is, to try a few more, their own practice in the bottom, not ten times, ten times not one hundred times. Speaking more will naturally become proficient, which is a process of continuous exercise.

In this case, I recommend a book “Java Core” for Java programmers.

Finally, I wish you all a bright future, can find a favorite job ~~

Three things to watch ❤️

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