
As one of the most popular open source database software, MySQL database software has been widely known. But for the benefit of readers who are not familiar with MySQL, this chapter will give a brief introduction to MySQL. The main content includes the composition of each function module of MySQL, the working principle of each module, the flow of Query processing, etc.

MySQL performance tuning and architecture design

The book is divided into three parts:

1. Basics (Chapters 1-5)

2. Performance Optimization (Chapters 6-11)

3. Architectural Design (Chapters 12-18)

Main Content Introduction

Part I (Chapters 1-5)

Chapter 1: Introduction to MySQL

Chapter 2: MySQL architecture composition

Chapter 3: Introduction to MySQL Storage Engine

Chapter four: MySQL security management

Chapter 5: MySQL backup and restore

Part 2: Performance Optimization (Chapters 6-11)

Chapter 6: Factors that affect MySQLServer performance

Chapter 7: MySQL database locking mechanism

Chapter 8: Optimization of MySQL Data truck Query

Chapter 9: Performance optimization of MySQL Data truck Schema design

Chapter 10: MySQL Server Performance Tuning

Chapter 11: Common storage engine optimization

Part THREE: Architecture design

Chapter 12: Basic principles of MySQL extensible design

Chapter 13: MSOQRepication for Scalable design

Chapter 14: Data sharding for Scalable design

Chapter 15: Use of Cahe5Search for scalability design

Chapter 16: MySQLCluster

Chapter 17: High availability design ideas and solutions

Chapter 18: MySQL monitoring for high availability design

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