Recently read the code, because the code call hierarchy depth is more, layer upon layer into somewhere, have forgotten, where although they can use some sequence diagram drawing tool, but in this case, the sequence diagram is very cumbersome, his paintings are a waste of time, access to the Internet to find the IDEA there is a plug-in can automatically generate sequence diagrams, name of tools: SequenceDiagram

Download and install

Method 1

You can install the plugin by searching the plugin name in the Plugins for IDEA.


Way 2

If the plugin is not found in the search of IDEA plug-in, you can download it from the official website and select “Local Installation” in IDEA. The download address of the plugin is as follows:


1. Select the method name (be careful not to select the class name), then right click (to show the options), and select Sequence Diagram


2, according to the pop-up box, according to their own situation, set the call depth, click OK to generate the sequence diagram


3. View the generated sequence diagram