
Originally I have no interest in plug-in development, the leadership just feel want a portal, incidentally learn IDEA plug-in development plug-in development is a very narrow audience technology, even if IDEA is so popular IDE, Chinese plug-in information is still very few. Once you complete a Hello World plug-in with Chinese resources, you can only read the official documentation. It has to be said that the official document is relatively complete, with the help of the open source plug-in code + official document, finally put the concern of several functions realized

1. Jump to the browser

This is actually not difficult, but I did not find the API in the official document. Finally, I found the BrowserUtil tool in the Translation plug-in, so I can achieve it.

2. Update plug-ins online


The official documentation says it’s very easy to do this. Just find a server and prepare updateplugins.xml

3. Call the API of IDEA itself (for example, view the calling relationship of methods)

This is the difficult part of plug-in development, which requires proficiency in PSI. Currently, the following APIS are found, but I am not familiar with plug-in development and PSI, so I still don’t know how to implement them.