When you write code, you have to create classes, write functions, write methods, and define variables, so you have to name them.

As a programmer’s basic literacy, not only to write quality code, but also to make people understand your code. It is important to follow the rules of naming English words.

A good name not only clearly conveys the intent of the code in context, but also improves code quality and reduces communication costs. Play a very good role in collaborative development.

All right, here comes the hero...Copy the code

Name prompt plug-in

A TypingCat is an IdeaThe word namingPrompt to complete the plug-in



  • Contains 10,000 common words
  • Support applies to code naming: local variables, constants, method names, method parameters, and class names
  • Fuzzy search support
  • Based on code completion, use the shortcut key Ctrl + Space
  • Offline mode for faster response
  • Compatible with Idea, Android Studio, Pycharm, Goland


More and more

For TpyingCat plugin communication, please go to Github, welcome star and issue

Github – TypingCatPlugin

List of naming conventions for additional dry goods words () :

The return value isBoolean typePrefix the method name of

location The word mean case
The prefix is Whether the object is in the expected state isChecked
The prefix can Whether (the object) can do what you expect canRemove
The prefix should Whether the instruction should be executed shouldMigrate
The prefix has Whether (object) has expected data attributes hasObservers
The prefix needs Whether (the caller) needs to execute instructions needsMigrate

Processing method when executing on demand

location The word mean case
The suffix IfNeeded Do what you need or do nothing when you don’t need drawIfNeeded
The prefix might Same as above mightCreate
The prefix try Try to execute, skip the exception if it fails, or return an error code tryCreate
The suffix OrDefault Try to run, return default if unsuccessful getOrDefault
The suffix OrElse Attempts to execute and returns the value specified by the argument on failure getOrElse
The prefix force Try to force it. Errors are represented by exceptions or return values forceCreate.forceStop

Methods related to asynchronous processing

location The word mean case
The prefix blocking Method of blocking a thread blockingGetUser
The suffix InBackground A method executed in a background thread doInBackground
The suffix Async Asynchronous methods sendAsync
The suffix Sync Synchronous methods (there are corresponding asynchronous methods) sendSync
A prefix or stem schedule Queue jobs and tasks schedule.scheduleJob
A prefix or stem post Same as above postJob
A prefix or stem execute Perform asynchronous processing execute.executeTask
A prefix or stem start Same as above start.startJob
A prefix or stem cancel Stop asynchronous processing cancel.cancelJob
A prefix or stem stop Same as above stop.stopJob

The callback method

location The word mean case
The prefix on Execute when something happens onCompleted
The prefix before Do it before it happens beforeUpdate
The prefix The prefix Same as above The prefix Update
The prefix will Same as above willUpdate
The prefix after I ran afterUpdate
The prefix post Same as above postUpdate
The prefix did Same as above didUpdate
The prefix should Execute when asked if something will happen shouldUpdate

Methods of manipulating collections

The word mean case
contains Whether it has the same object as the object you specified contains
add add addJob
append Same as above appendJob
insert Add it to the NTH one insertJob
put Add the element corresponding to the key putJob
remove Remove elements removeJob
enqueue Add to the end of the matrix enqueueJob
dequeue Take the beginning of the matrix and delete it dequeueJob
push Add to the top of the stack pushJob
pop Take the top of the stack and remove it popJob
peek Remove the top of the stack (do not remove it from the stack) peekJob
find Find the one that fits the bill findById

State method

The word mean case
ensure Check the expected status, otherwise throw an exception or return an error code ensureCapacity
validate Check for correct status, otherwise throw an exception or return an error code validateInputs

Methods to handle the life cycle of an object

The word mean case
initialize Initialization. Also used as a lazy initialization method. initialize
abandon Destructor substitution abandon
destroy Same as above destroy
dispose Same as above dispose

Methods related to data

The word mean case
create Make a new one createAccount
new Make a new one newAccount
from Create a new data from existing data, or create a new data from another data fromConfig
to shift toString
update Rewrite existing updateAccount
load read loadAccount
fetch Read (remote) fetchAccount
delete delete deleteAccount
remove delete removeAccount
save save saveAccount
store save storeAccount
commit save commitChange
apply Save/Apply applyChange
clear Clear data or return to the initial state clearAll
reset Clear data or return to the initial state resetAll

Pairs of words

The word The word
Get access to The set set up
Increase the add Remove delete
The create create Destory removed
Start starts Stop stop
Open to open the Close close
Read read Write to write
The load is loaded Save save
The create create Destroy the destruction
Begin to start End to end
Backup backup Restore to restore
The import import Export export
The split segmentation The merge with
Inject injection The extract extracted
The attach attached Detach from
Bind the binding Separate separation
The view to see Browse through
Edit to edit The modify change
Select select Mark mark
Copy copy Paste paste
Undo to cancel Redo redo
Insert to insert Delete to remove the
The add to join Append to add
The clean clean The clear clear
Happens to increase Decrease reduce
Play play Pause suspends
Launch start Run run
The compile compile The execute perform
The debug debugging Trace tracking
Observe observe Listen to monitor
Build building The publish release
The input input The output output
Encode coding Decode decoding
Encrypt encrypt Decrypt decrypt
Compress the compression Decompress the decompression
Pack pack Unpack unpack
The parse analytical Emit generated
Connect the connection Disconnect disconnect
Send to send The receive receive
Download download The upload to upload
Refresh to refresh the The synchronize synchronization
The update to update Revert back
The lock lock Unlock the unlock
Check out the checkout Check in to check in
Submit to submit Commit to deliver
Push push Pull pull
Expand open The collapse collapse
Begin to start End to end
Start start Finish to complete
Enter into the The exit exit
Abort to give up The quit leave
Obsolete scrap Depreciate old
Collect collect Aggregate gathered

Resources: Method naming references qiita.com/KeithYokoma…