The IDEA of crack

Specific reference:…

Configuration Settings

Take IDEA 2021.1 as an example

1. Open the configuration file and start the configuration.

2. The detailed configuration is as follows

File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior

  1. Configure the Settings font.
  2. Close the IDEA update.
  3. Set Idea to open as the project selection screen].

File > Settings > Editor

  1. Automatically import package configurations.
  2. Displays the divider line of the method.
  3. The scroll wheel sets the font size.
  4. The smart tip ignores case.
  5. The Tabs page displays multiple lines.
  6. Configure the code theme style.
  7. Character sets and configuration file encoding formats.
  8. Custom class templates.
  9. Optimize the annotation format.
  10. Hide IDEA comes with it.iml,The idea of the file.
  11. Remove warning flags that appear in custom class templates.

File > Settings > Version Contol

  1. Configure Git.

(file > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment,

  1. Enable automatic code compilation.
  2. Configure maven.

Configuring the Settings font

Go to this directory and select a suitable font as the Settings font. The default is Microsoft YaHei, and the font size is unchanged.

Close Idea Update

File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates The square root of the left-hand side.

Set Idea to open as a project selection screen

File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings, Reopen Reopen projects left √

Automatically import package configurations

File > Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import in Add… And Optimize… I’m going to add the square root.

Displays the divider line of the method

File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance Show Method… Put the square root in front.

The scroll wheel sets the font size

File > Settings > Editor > General, on the right, Change foot… Put the square root in front.

The smart tip ignores case

File > Settings > Editor > General > Code Completion:

The Tabs page displays multiple lines

File > Settings > Editor > Editor Tabs, select Multiple Rows from the right.

Configure the code theme style

File > Settings, > Editor, > Color Scheme, > File > Settings, > Editor, > Color Scheme, >

Character sets and configuration file encoding formats

File > Settings > Editor > File Encodings Set all of the red boxes on the right to UTF-8.

Custom class templates

File > Settings > Editor > File and Code Templates, click Class on the right and add the following 5 lines of Code. There is no configured method template and I feel it is not necessary.

 * @Description TODO
 * @Date ${DATE} ${TIME}
 * @Author ${USER}

Optimizing comment formatting

Specific operation: File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Java | | HTML, will be on the right side of the Line of Code Generation comment… And Block the comment… The square root on the left cancels.

Hide IDEA comes with it.iml,. The idea of the file

File > Settings > Editor > File Types, click Ignored Files and Folders on the right, and add.inl,.idea.

Remove warning flags that appear in custom class templates

As shown in the figure below, when we create a class, a warning flag appears, which is very annoying, so let’s cancel it here.

Specific operation: Inspections, select Default, and find Declaration Has Javadoc Problems… , add the content Date,Author,Description to the right.

Configure Git

File > Settings > Version Contol > Git, select Git. Exe in bin directory under local Git directory.

Enable automatic code compilation

Specific operation: File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler, in Build project… Square root on the left.

Configure maven

Specific operation: The File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven, setup Maven home path (computer Maven storage directory), User Settings, Local Resit… (local warehouse directory).

Common plug-in

  1. Vue: Direct download, no configuration required.
  2. MyBatisx: Simplify tedious repetitive operations at the beginning of using MyBatis and MyBatis – Plus to achieve XML jump.
  3. Maven Helper: Easy way to find and troubleshoot conflicting dependencies, run/debug Maven target actions for modules that contain the current file or root module, run/debug the current test file actions.
  4. Lombok: Simplify Java code in the form of simple annotations, which come with the latest version of IDEA.
  5. Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines: Design specification, it is recommended to run once after writing the code.
  6. Rainbow Brackets: Colored Brackets.
  7. Translation Plug-in.
  8. RESTful Toolkit: Spring’s development is often based on the browser URL to find the corresponding action method, this can be quickly based on the URL, without the need to findAll query.
  9. HighlightBracketPair: BracketPair begins and ends with parentheses highlighted. You can see it at a glance.
  10. Grep Console: The Console log is highlighted.
  11. Intellijad: A decompilable plugin, the latest version of IDEA is not available.

Refer to the link


I configure

Link:… Extract code: AX3Q

If you’re too lazy to configure it, just use mine.