AWS, Azure and Aliyun remain the top three in the global public cloud IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) vendor market share data released by IDC in the first half of 2018, while IBM and Google rank fourth and fifth respectively.

The data released by IDC also shows that amazon, the long-time number one, and Microsoft, Aliyun and Google, the four companies with the most rapid rise, are all independent research and development technologies. Among the declining manufacturers, the adoption of “take doctrine” is not a minority.

Amazon, the longtime no. 1, and Microsoft, AliYun and Google, the biggest risers, all developed their own technology

In terms of historical data over the past decade, amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Ali Cloud, and Google GCP have been on a tear: These four tech companies accounted for about 56% of the global core cloud computing market in 2018, and the trend continues, with Goldman Sachs projecting that their share will reach 84% in 2019.

OpenStack, CloudStack and other open source cloud computing platforms were established late. For players in the field of cloud computing in the early stage, self-research is the inevitable choice. At present, the cloud vendors who choose to “adopt” are either Internet companies that are late in the game, or companies with weak IT software development capabilities, such as HP, an established hardcore IT company.

AWS is a pioneer in cloud computing. In March 2006, AWS provided services for the first time. In just four months, it carried more than 800 million files. Since then, IT has occupied the no.1 position in the global cloud market. Microsoft and Google launched Windows Azure in February 2010 and GCP in October 2011, respectively.

In China, Alibaba Cloud layout cloud computing path can be said to be the same as AWS. Ali cloud with AWS, respectively is the first at home and abroad to do cloud computing company, the two companies, there are strong electricity gene, double every year 11, black Friday flood peak flow will be on their own servers bring huge pressure, and the community and technology obviously unable to support such a large flow, this drive them onto the road of the research.

In February 2009, Ali Cloud wrote the first line of code of Feitian, and independently wrote a large-scale distributed computing system from the bottom code. Up to now, it has derived a series of self-developed technologies such as proprietary cloud Apsara Stack, terminal operating system AliOS, POLARDB database, elastic bare metal server Shenlong X-Dragon, ET City Brain and so on.

These capabilities have now become the public infrastructure of the whole society, supporting 12306’s Spring Festival rush tickets, live video broadcasts of the World Cup, and sudden topic discussions on Weibo.

In the early days of cloud computing, OpenStack allowed enterprises to quickly build open source operating systems for their own small-scale cloud platforms at a very low cost.

Many enterprises choose the simplest DIY model to build cloud services based on OpenStack. But its drawbacks are also obvious: poor stability, inconsistent components, difficult upgrades… You could argue that it was never created to serve a large cloud business.

These deadly features soon became apparent, and vendors based on OpenStack gradually lost ground in the market. As an important driver of OpenStack, Rackspace fell from the third place in the world in 2014 to the fifth place after 2016, with a share of only 2.2%.

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