Recently, INTERNATIONAL Data Corporation (IDC) released the “China ARTIFICIAL Intelligence Software and Applications (second Half of 2019) Tracking” report, the Chinese machine learning development platform manufacturers continue to follow up the research, and the market share ranking. As a neutral software provider, Jiuzhang Yunji ranked third with its multi-architecture, multi-environment, zero-lock DataCanvas data science platform.

Image credit: IDC

Nine chapter cloud pole market share significant growth can be expected

Jiuzhang Yunji was one of the leading vendors in IDC’s “IDC MarketScape: China Machine Learning Development Platform Market, 2019” released in August last year. This report is the first time FOR IDC to evaluate Chinese machine learning platform vendors and represents the market pattern of Machine learning development platform in China in the first half of 2019.

From the leading manufacturer in the first half of 2019 to the top three in the market share in the second half of 2019, Jiuzhang Yunji has significantly increased its market share in the machine learning development platform in a short period of six months, showing outstanding performance, and has significant advantages in several industries that first practice AI.

According to jiuzhang Yunji, in 2019, the DataCanvas platform not only achieved vertical penetration of existing industry customers and horizontal expansion of new industry customers application scenarios, but also made a big breakthrough in order volume and price per order.

Use data science “soft” platforms to empower enterprise AI “hard” capabilities

“The open and flexible data science platform is an important reason for users to choose Jiuzhang Yunji.”

— IDC “China AI Software and Application Tracking (Second Half of 2019)”

Jiuzhang Yunji has a clear positioning for DataCanvas as an “open, compatible, pure software platform”. Today, the DataCanvas data science platform is open to all types of hardware and technology architectures, available on all types of physical devices and in the cloud.

To our customers, DataCanvas offers a full range of proprietary AI capabilities, independent of specific hardware or algorithm vendors; For ecology, it is open and win-win cooperation, pure software precise positioning allows partners to share the different division of labor in the value chain. As a neutral software provider, DataCanvas leverages its deep technology and application portfolio of data science platforms with a focus on machine learning, automated modeling and model production for rapid application in a wide variety of industry scenarios.

At the present stage, the progress of intelligent transformation and the demand for AI capabilities vary greatly in various industries. Traditional industries that have not yet undergone the transformation often remain in the stage of scarce technical personnel and high difficulty in collating data. The pioneering industries have begun to develop the demand for “thousands of faces” and “tidal” AI scenarios with their own teams.

With the vision of development, Jiuzhang Yunji meets customers’ personalized business intelligence needs through flexible but powerful data science platform: lower the THRESHOLD of AI, and enable business personnel to easily conduct data analysis through one-click modeling; “White box” algorithm library, enabling companies with strong technical strength to achieve their own AI… “Let customers have independent AI capabilities” is the continuous goal of Jiuzhang Yunji to serve customers.

The market for AI software and applications is growing rapidly and the space for data science platforms is huge

“In 2019-20, the adoption of AI has become an intrinsic requirement of enterprises.”

IDC predicts that by 2024, the market size of Artificial intelligence software and application in China will reach 12.75 billion US dollars, with a compound growth rate of 39.0% from 2018 to 2024, among which the market size of machine learn-based software and application is expected to reach 1.13 billion US dollars.

According to the report, in 2019, China’s AI market, the financial industry, government industry market scale continued to grow, energy industry, telecom operators, education industry in AI investment growth rate. Enterprises of different sizes in various industries are actively applying ARTIFICIAL intelligence according to their own conditions.

Take the financial industry as an example. Leading state-owned banks and joint-stock banks have clear AI plans and can plan hundreds of application scenarios. The AI penetration rate of urban firms is gradually increasing, especially in the machine learning platform and marketing scene suppliers, jiuzhangyunji has a significant advantage.

Since the beginning of 2020, under the impact of the epidemic, financial institutions have made use of fintech to accelerate the implementation of various contactless services and applications according to national conditions and people’s conditions. Data analysis is still the main means to achieve remote customer acquisition and remote financial product trading, which is the reason why data science platforms with algorithms to extract the value of data are favored by the market.

It can be predicted that as deep users of data science platform, financial institutions will be more adept in solving various application scenarios with it. In particular, financial institutions with a certain reserve of technical personnel can independently and flexibly adjust algorithms and data models through in-depth mining of various functions of the data science platform to output data results of unique value to them.

At present, Jiuzhang cloud Pole services further expand, in finance, manufacturing, real estate, transportation, government, operators, Internet and other industries have more projects landed. At the same time, Jiuzhang Yunji is actively building AI ecological cooperation, linking with top cloud service providers, big data platform manufacturers, SI/ISV, and innovating industry-university-research cooperation with Beihang University, XDIAN and other AI talent cradle, making continuous contributions to the development of data science industry.