
Recently, I was doing some component research of Spring Cloud. In the registry, I originally planned to use Ali’s open source NACOS, but I finally gave up using it because of the following problems


Nacos community activity

Community activity is very important to determine whether a project is worth using or not. Community activity means quick updates and problems or bugs can be solved in a timely manner. I have done a general survey of the Github community activity of NacOS

See is very active, and then look at some of the Spring Cloud integration support, open source/Spring – Cloud – alibaba ( activity is also ok

The document

Checked the official website and some demo, found that the documentation is complete

Set up the demo

Based on the overall feeling of the above survey is not bad, I wanted to build a simple demo to try it out. Based on the recommendation of the official website, I finally selected Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Spring Cloud Alibaba versions

Version research refer to my previous blog…

A simple Demo was built based on Nacos as the registry and Dubbo as RPC calls


A bug or feature with a small price ratio was found during use

The application name cannot be obtained from the registry Web page in the Spring Boot project

Nacos replied that the NacOS client does not rely on Spring Boot, so it is only obtained through the project. Name of the project. The approximate source code is as follows

Then recommend me to propose a similar feature for nacos-Spring-project

For specific issues, please refer to the links I mentioned in NACOS…

Here’s where it gets a little trickier

I was thinking of going to nacos-Spring-project to propose a similar feature

A look at nacos-Spring-boot-project shows that there is almost no maintenance

Then look at issues, someone is saying that the project is dead, eat melon there


I wonder if I can go to the spring-cloud-Alibaba project to help change it or propose a PR, and then more interesting things will come

The spring-cloud-starter-Alibaba-nacos-discovery integration in Spring-cloud-Alibaba is not used in the nacos-spring-boot-project. Instead, use nacos-client directly

This means that you can’t change it if you want, which shows that the integration is still not very Spring Boot friendly


Generally speaking, the experience is just so-so. There are some minor problems when I use it. What is worth mentioning is that the community feedback is quite active, such as compatibility or integration with Spring Boot. Because the nacos-Spring-project seems to be rotten, and even its own spring-cloud-Alibaba is not used. Although it is a small bug that does not affect the use of it, it still gives me a feeling of a little pit.

What do you think about whether registries use Nacos? Welcome to leave a message

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Feel good article please scan the code to pay attention to me wechat public number: small play technology