Concern public number: IT elder brother, read a dry goods technical article every day, a year later you will find a different self.

Outsourcing, in our industry, is a very common term, corresponding to a special type of work.

But I find that many of my friends seem to demonize outsourcing as a “pit.”

But this problem, have to look at dialectically. Many people are very negative when it comes to “outsourcing”, thinking that this person is probably “hopeless”.

But is outsourcing really bad?

It is not always bad, it is bad in some of the good.

To be honest, the existence of outsourcing has fulfilled the “big factory dream” of many workers, and also helped many people to succeed in “gold”.

But as we all know, there are a lot of bad comments about big factory outsourcing, such as: no promotion channel, no welfare, no security, all the dirty work, dry battery people and so on.

In fact, whether it is a day job or outsourcing, whether it is a dispatch or a “temporary worker”, we do not need to demonize “outsourcing”, it is the product of the market demand, after all, it is just a job.

Everybody’s here to make money. It’s just a matter of choice.

A few days ago, I saw an article about outsourcing written by a student who had done outsourcing and then jumped out of outsourcing.

After reading it, I think it is very sincere, so I share it with you. I hope you can also view “outsourcing” dialectically:


In a twinkling of an eye, it’s the job-hopping season again.

In the IT industry, job hopping is inseparable from a word, that is outsourcing.

IT can be said that every IT person has been exposed to outsourcing, or even participated in IT. Most new IT jobs are faced with the desperate choice of outsourcing to big companies or small companies.

Although many people resist outsourcing, they often only have a relatively intuitive and fragmentary understanding of outsourcing.

There is very little online information on IT outsourcing, and most of IT is patchy.

I happen to have some experience in outsourcing, so I’d like to talk about outsourcing. I hope I can give some reference and help to my friends in need.

1. What is outsourcing

To better analyze, we need to understand what outsourcing is. Outsourcing is a management model in which goals are delegated to other organizations. There are many kinds of outsourcing, such as project outsourcing, product outsourcing, engineering outsourcing and so on. And what we care about most is human resource outsourcing. It’s a little abstract. Let me give you an example.

  • Project outsourcing: The breaking up of parts of a project (e.g. non-core parts) to other individuals/organizations in order to complete the project for reasons of schedule, cost, or even risk transfer. For instance pig eight quit a few projects on the net, it is such a project.

  • Product outsourcing: Outsourcing of part of a product to another person/organization, mostly for cost reasons. For example, Ares v outsourced some scenes and character models to external teams.

  • Engineering outsourcing: most projects are handed over to other organizations due to cost, risk, schedule and other considerations. For example, the contractor promised to finish painting the walls of the building.

  • Human resource outsourcing: Most of the employees contract to other human resource companies for cost (but also for the policy of the upper management) considerations. For example, in China’s IT industry, chinasoft International employees sign contracts with Chinasoft International, but work in ali, Dasov and other companies (many of them are separated from the target company).

2. Two-party outsourcing vs. three-party outsourcing

We sometimes hear recruiters say that they are outsourcing, or directly say that they are not outsourcing, but the contract signing company is different, and there is no difference with regular employees.

Put aside that kind of bottomless cheating behavior, in the end what is the two – way outsourcing? What is the difference between it and tripartite outsourcing?

The most direct difference is that the three-party outsourcing contracts are all signed with independent third-party HUMAN resource companies, while the two-party outsourcing contracts are signed with the target company’s affiliates (mostly holding subsidiaries).

Let me just give you an example.

Let’s say I’m a developer on the verge of becoming hema Outsourcing.

  • Tripartite outsourcing: I signed a contract with chinasoft International, which does not have a stake in Hema.

  • Outsourcing: I signed a contract with a Hema holding company.

See through the appearance to the essence. How you sign these two contracts directly determines your relationship with the target company (e.g. Hema).

Hema cannot directly manage the third-party outsourcing, and even says that you can’t work in Hema after the termination of the cooperative relationship, so hema has low trust in the third-party outsourcing employees.

Reflected in the actual performance, is the tripartite outsourcing staff’s authority is always very limited. In addition, tripartite outsourcing employees can be sent to other companies such as Alipay even if they cannot work in Hema.

Therefore, hema and tripartite outsourcing companies basically regard tripartite outsourcing employees as commodities, human resources commodities.

But Hema has the right to manage the outsourcing, so he will trust the outsourcing staff more at work. In addition, the outsourcing will only serve Hema, so hema will treat the outsourcing employees as its official employees to a certain extent.

If we understand the relationship (contractual relationship) between the outsourcing employee and the target company, we will know why the two parties enjoy better treatment and opportunities than the three parties.

3. Advantages of outsourcing

Although many developers resist outsourcing, the reality is that a large number of developers choose to join the outsourcing community.

This suggests that there must be benefits to outsourcing. So, I’ve briefly categorized three benefits.

A. Interview threshold

The interview threshold of outsourcing is much lower than that of large factories. Especially some primary posts, really is a hand on the line.

There are three simple reasons:

  • For a tripartite outsourcing company, outsourcing employees are commodities, and the more commodities, the more money the company makes. So the tripartite outsourcing company will try its best to help you pass the interview, including but not limited to the interview materials, reveal the examination questions, etc.

  • Most interviewers at target companies don’t take it seriously either. Moreover, the interview content is more focused on practical skills than regular employees, and does not ask questions such as project management and depth of business thinking based on potential.

  • Even if one company stumbles, a tripartite outsourcing firm will recommend another. Probabilistically, it’s always going to pass.

So, at the end of the road can consider the first outsourcing mix, don’t starve to death.

B. Salary level

Many people may not know the contract price of the target company to the outsourcing company. Generally speaking, the highest price you can negotiate with a third party outsourcing company, plus an increase of 30-50%, is the target company’s contract price to the outsourcing company.

The reason is that the benefits of regular employees are much better than those of outsourcing, such as 16 salary, travel, commercial insurance, etc.

In addition, the target company’s policy will be stuck for regular employees HC.

The salary cap for tripartite contractors is determined by rank. This level is determined by the interviewer of the target company during the interview process.

Do you understand? Do you see anything? Savvy folks have already seen a way to get a big raise.

Yes. Once you’ve determined your level, you can always ask a third-party outsourcing company for the highest salary at that level, no matter how low your previous salary was.

Because for the third party outsourcing company, when your level is determined, the target company will give you a certain contract price, to pay the third party outsourcing company for you.

So, as long as you don’t exceed the salary cap set by the tripartite outsourcing company for this level, they will definitely give you a contract. After all, one more contract means one more piece of money.

In most cases, HRG will cap salary increases at around 30% at previous jobs. Because the higher the price, the approval process will be more troublesome. So unless you’re really good, the salary cap is there.

Here’s what happened to me. My salary went from 11K x 12 to 20K x 12.

I was a senior development engineer when I joined. However, after a month on the job, I was changed to a technical specialist. So, I’m not sure if 20K x 12 is for senior development engineers or technical experts. In addition, the outsourcing company’s technical experts, people look happy.

So outsourcing is one way to achieve a significant increase in wages.

[C] learning opportunities

Many people know the disadvantages of outsourcing, but they still choose to outsource. Why?

Because a lot of people, including me, believe in outsourcing as a learning opportunity to be exposed to big guys, to complex systems, to large projects.

Outsourcing may not be as good a learning opportunity as recruiters suggest, but it is a learning opportunity. You have access to the big guy’s code, architecture drawings, and even projects.

However, the learning opportunity is entirely up to the target team. How much document access the target team gives you, how much code access they give you, and how you collaborate with the target team will greatly affect this learning opportunity. It has to be said that the learning opportunities of the two parties and the three parties are very different.

Let me tell you a little bit about my time in Fong, which is hema.

First of all, I would like to thank my team, especially my first and second level supervisors, for taking great care of me and giving me many opportunities. Thank you very much.

Due to the openness of the team and the second-level supervisor (P8), as a two-party employee, I almost enjoy all the authority of a regular employee. As long as I can open the permission, I open the approval permission.

Thanks to the trust and support of the first-level supervisor (P7), I even have more project opportunities, business communication and management promotion than ordinary employees.

However, I chose to leave after nearly two years of work as the authority of the employees of the two sides reached the boundary, the promotion channel was blocked, and the most important one and two level supervisors left.

So there are learning opportunities for outsourcing, but it depends on the team.

Disadvantages of outsourcing

After the pros, move on to the cons.

Although most people are against outsourcing, many people, especially Meng Xin, are not aware of the main disadvantages of outsourcing.

So let me generalize a little bit.

A. Work fragmentation

Most of the outsourced work is fragmented, even mechanized.

Because if the work is really complete and pieced together, the regular work is done.

There are two reasons for getting rid of regular jobs:

  • Complete work content helps him to build business perception.

  • Outsourcing the complete content requires a lot of communication and team cooperation, which is not conducive to the overall efficiency.

So is there a way to avoid fragmentation?

The answer is yes.

On the one hand, it can show its own ability and gain the trust of the formal team, thus obtaining more complete work content.

On the other hand, they can find the connection from the fragmented content and build their own cognitive system, so that the fragmented content is no longer fragmented.

This is professional general skills, practical operation is a certain difficulty, have the opportunity to chat.

The fragmentation of work has two of the most obvious consequences:

  • Difficulty in promotion: The fragmentation of work content makes it difficult to improve myself in technology and business, thus affecting promotion, employment, and even subsequent interviews.

  • Lack of heavyweight interview projects: Due to the fragmented work content, the interview cannot be integrated, thus obtaining a relatively complete and complex project. As a result, they can not show their own strength well in the interview and affect the subsequent interview results.

B. Lack of ascending path

Here refute a wave of rumors, many outsourcing are said to have the opportunity to become a full-time. In practice, it’s almost zero. Among them, tripartite outsourcing can be directly equated with zero.

The transfer of tripartite outsourcing is often to give an internal promotion opportunity, and then the interviewer will be familiar with some.

But none of this is worth much. Push the opportunity, simply do not look for too easy to say.

Nowadays, most of the talent recruitment in big factories is directly promoted by the staff of the technical department. As for the familiarity of the interviewer, let’s just say that in most cases that will only make your interview more difficult.

As for the transformation of the two side outsourcing, most of them will also have requirements on performance, contribution and many other aspects, and need the recommendation of the first and second level supervisors. In addition, also need to experience approval, as well as the formal defense.

The only reliable path to promotion is probably the outsourcing company’s own.

I don’t know exactly. After all, I was at the top of my game at both outsourcing companies. However, the outsourcing company outsourcing staff technical level, I have seen the highest technical experts, the company claimed to standard Ali P6 +.

So is there any formal outsourcing?

The answer is yes. I saw that the hema test team’s two-party outsourcing promotion was officially successful. However, the somebody else did not accept at all, ran to pay treasure some branch directly.

Therefore, the reality is that those who can be promoted from outsourcing to regular employees are already beyond that line and can go through the normal social recruitment process.

As an outsourcer at that time, OF course I was also concerned about this aspect. I consulted a lot of people and came to the conclusion that the same person would get a much lower salary if they were promoted than if they were recruited.

The upshot is that if you can outsource regular promotions, skip the promotion route and go straight to the social recruitment route.

Of course, if there is nothing to do with this team, and the team has a deeper bond, there is no way.

So outsourcing is not a destination after all. Promotion channels are narrow, and promotion costs are low.

C. Boil the frog in warm water

Many people know that outsourcing is not the end of the road, so why do so many people go dark and leave?

The answer is simple: boil the frog in warm water.

On the one hand, outsourced work tends to be polarised, either fragmenting things or doing nothing. This has a certain ability of small partners, touch fish not too easy.

The job evaluation of outsourcing is easy, especially for the largest number of third parties.

On the other hand, outsourcing pay is justified. Belong to the kind of although buy a house car will be a little difficult, but daily life or can lead more natural and unrestrained.

To sum up, less money, less pressure, just like warm water, will slowly anesthetize the outsourcing employees, and eventually die. Wait until the company abandoned him, only to find that they have lost the market competitiveness.

[D] psychological pressure

Most outsourcing is under pressure to be inferior.

This pressure often comes from the surrounding environment, even from the outsourcing employees themselves, rather than from their friends around them.

External pressure comes from the following aspects:

  • Dog tags: Dog tags are the biggest source of psychological stress. Ali’s dog tags are easy to distinguish between regular employees and outsourcing employees. Every time you walk in and swipe your card, you feel pressure, that kind of different pressure. I’ve seen a lot of outsourcing friends get official dog tags from regular employees and replace their own. To be honest, I was feeling some pressure, too. But I have never done so, because I firmly believe that I am no worse than those regular employees, I just lack a chance to give myself. But in meetings, I just keep my dog tags in my pocket.

  • Benefits: Big companies offer good benefits, but many of them can’t be outsourced. For example, tripartite outsourcing can not enjoy free group travel. The result is that people are talking about travel and you’re just tapping away. And the t-shirts, a lot of times the company’s t-shirts, they don’t count as outsourcing t-shirts. Seeing everyone around you wearing a uniform style of t-shirts, only you wearing your own clothes, the pressure in my heart increased sharply.

  • Permissions: The permissions of regular employees are quite different from those of outsourced employees. When the supervisor in the group posted an internal technical forum post, said that we need to watch and learn. Then you find out you don’t have permission to access & apply.

  • Ego: People tend to be self-centered more or less. For example, one day you fall on the ground, and the people around you forget about it in less than a week. And you agonized over it for months, thinking it was humiliating. Many sensitive friends will even interpret some normal behaviors into other meanings. For example, the supervisor sees you coming, switches the screen, and you think the supervisor is hiding something from you.

This psychological pressure, though, may make the parties to seek a breakthrough. But many more are overwhelmed by the pressure.

On the one hand, it needs the care and care of the team and the supervisor (thanks again to my first and second supervisors), and on the other hand, it needs to rely on itself. I rely on myself mainly based on my clear understanding of the current situation (see the purpose of outsourcing, etc.) and my career planning (clear career planning can greatly reduce my anxiety).

5. How to choose outsourcing

Although outsourcing sounds bad, there are still a large number of people involved in outsourcing, so how to choose outsourcing jobs?

Most people choose outsourcing in three categories:

  • As a temporary job

  • As a step to jump the salary

  • As a step up

Here are three main purposes, how to choose outsourcing jobs.

A. Temporary work

For temporary jobs, it is recommended to leave within three months.

On the one hand, out of probation, leaving formalities will be very troublesome.

More importantly, there will be feelings psychologically, there is a “or here” mentality. On the other hand, once more than three months, in dachang back adjustment, will be included in the investigation.

It’s easier for the company and team to leave early (nurturing, emotional, loss) than to leave six months later.

For temporary work, choose a probation period of three months or more. On this basis, we also need to consider:

  • High probationary pay: Not just salary, but probationary pay. Because some outsourcing offers offer 20% off salary during probation period, while others do not.

  • Probation individual time is much: this point is more oily. First of all, a temporary job means that you need to change jobs later, so naturally you need a lot of time to prepare for the interview. Next, some work probation period workload can be less. Finally, although some jobs have a lot of workload, but lack of outsourcing staff control, you can go to work to prepare for the interview.

B. Jump the pedal

If it is to jump the salary pedal, it is suggested to implement as soon as possible, and choose a high monthly salary.

In most cases, the outsourcing salary increase is high and only applies to the salary below 25K per month. Because normal development outsourcing, is a monthly salary of 25K line.

Ali side of the two BU outsourcing, capping 25K monthly salary, but generally can be 13 + 3. So, if you want to use outsourcing as a stepping stone, do it now.

The reason why I choose the offer with a high monthly salary is because of the outsourcing of the two sides and the fact that the big factory pays attention to the monthly salary, and the default salary is 16 months.

Your monthly salary is high, and it’s easy to double that on your second move.

If you do it right, your annual salary can quickly rise several times. But high pay can sometimes be a burden, and we’ll talk about that.

The subject of salary is a touchy one, and THAT’s all I’ll say for now. The rest, figure it out. I can only tell you that not many people now know &do this operation.

[C]. Self-improvement

For self-improvement, work with regular employees and be proactive.

If you are just looking at complex systems, you can definitely consider project outsourcing, not human resources outsourcing.

Therefore, the so-called self-promotion is more about learning the means, methodology and thoughts of big men in the face of complex systems, technical problems, project management and other problems.

When you’re not working in a workplace with regular employees, that’s all for naught. It may be fun to touch fish, but it does nothing for self-improvement.

But it’s not up to us to break up.

Then there are two options. One is to switch priorities and be ready to jump ship. The other is to have the supervisor figure out a way to get you out of there.

Before, our supervisor applied for external visitors every week in order to let the three-party outsourcing team work with the big team.

Finally, I made an application to P10 and retained the tripartite outsourcing employee to work in the park.

Working together provides opportunities for learning and growth, but requires active participation.

As mentioned before, outsourcing boiled frog in warm water. The important point is that outsourcing is easy to touch fish, which is not proactive. Many people become outsourcers and want to do less work, feeling they are losing out by doing more…

In fact, the initiative to strive for work, on the one hand, there is a chance to obtain more valuable work content. On the other hand, you can show your initiative and get your supervisor to give you more opportunities.

In addition, most managers do not care much about the growth of outsourced employees.

So it’s up to the outsourcer to get more resources, more information and more growth.

In fact, whether they are outsourcing employees or not, they need to be proactive in order to achieve more growth. It’s just that outsourcers need it more, because there’s almost no one to push you.

One last word

This article first introduces the concept of outsourcing, including the difference between two-party outsourcing and three-party outsourcing. Then it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing work. Finally, it further analyzes the choice of outsourcing work, how to choose, how to face and so on.

I hope this article can help those who are exposed to outsourcing job opportunities, or even are outsourcing employees.

Ok, see here, forward, look, like any arrangement, if you arrange it, I don’t mind. Writing is tiring and needs some positive feedback.

Here’s one for readers:

Concern public number: IT elder brother, read a dry goods technical article every day, a year later you will find a different self.